The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 21 hours. Get details and Enter.

foolish (Remove filter)

Foolish Crowd

There are a lot of mysteries, anomalies and such,

things that seem to have no explanation why they are.

One of these (above the rest) that makes me wonder much -

is how the foolish crowd is made of people who are far


from being foolish on their own. Yes, people who are good.

Yet somehow when they’re in a group, mysteriously they change.

It’s something I suppose just really...

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They say that the truth is a hard thing to take,

but maybe it’s time that we see

that we as a people are nothing but fake,

ensuring that’s how it will be.


We stand up demanding there’s tolerance,

doing so with our fists in the air.

It’s truly the oddest dance ever been danced,

hypocrisy beyond compare.


We claim we want peace but we seek the next fight

as we...

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Falling apart

You were supposed to be my knight in shining armour

You were supposed to prove them all wrong

Cause back then you were young, and dumb, and stupid

But now you are old enough

To know that you can’t be out here breaking hearts

I guess that’s where we fell apart

I was too busy trying to protect us

And you just didn’t care at all

Making me look foolish over and over again


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heartbreakplatonic friendsfuck yougrew strongerfoolishalonelove poetry

A Fool

I am not a fool for loving you.
I am not a fool for trusting you.
I am not a fool for giving you
everything that I had.
A fool is not what I am
and a fool is who I shall not be.

It is what you've become
in this situation.

You are the fool for not loving me
the way I deserved to be loved.
You are the fool for not being
the man that you needed to be.
You are the fool for letting me g...

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Foolishlovebrokensadhopemangivng upbaby

Playing with the heart

What I thought was true is now a lie.
What I thought was real is now a fake.
What I felt for you is still the same
as I feel for you now.
Everything that I've said
and felt for you was true.
Never once was any of it a fake.
But, for you this was nothing but, a silly old game.


You had played me so well;
you'd must of done it before.
You had left my mind and heart

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playing with the heartfoolishtrue

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