The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

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1.0 Love


Just look at you go, 
Version 2.0,
an upgrade and that's no mistake.
I know we've both advanced
we’ve progressed, we're enhanced
but here's an EULA I will not break.
I'll watch the ports at your back
guard against cyber-attack
I swear by my serial key that's no fake!
Even with my mode set to stressed,
by my code, I'm impressed
to find how feature-rich a brother, you might make.


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Brotherbrothersfamilyfamily poemsgeekgeekerysoftwareTechnologyupgrade

Cosmo Dark Canyon I

Dead plateau of life hand,

    Distant cold realms of infinite strangely star dim lit light, Compelling diction of cosmos inaudibly threat of silence curing the creeping parasite affliction of a habitual debt f(r)iendship with dignity's lost kindred hate spirit: Empathy's lost imagination engine key holding Loki demon!

In earnest anticipation of,

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