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The Old Garden Gate

A WWI remembrance poem

(First published online for Northern Life magazine 2018)


It creaked as he left:

The old garden gate

He’d promised to fix it

But now it was too late


Tearful in the doorway

His mother cries out,

‘Do it when you’re back, Billy!’

And of this she has no doubt


He waves,

And off to glory are the swathes

Of boys, and men in their pr...

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Heroes In Blue

Heroes In Blue


Unprecedented times, the like never seen before

This pandemic has shaken us all to our very core

A whirlwind ripping through our cities and towns

The evil coronavirus wearing its invisible crown

It does not care if you are rich or poor

A Royal, a minister or the boy next door

No matter what age, wealth, colour or creed

Affecting us all, and with devastat...

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covid19nhsheroesthank youlockdownhope

Old Men's Tears

Old Men’s Tears


With hearts as heavy as thunder clouds

What once were torrents

Are now just trickles

Reflecting our futures

In the silver shimmer of our past


And they come

In stumbling honour

And their humility

Denies them as heroes

For the heroes were left behind


In voices cracked with age

They tell their tales

Of simple duty

In the face of...

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d-day commemorationheroesnormandythanksveteranswar

My favourite things: one more time with real emotion

Caring crusaders and daring debaters

Emmeline, Greta, Ruth

Your voices sound loud with the bold toll of truth.

Uncowed and defiant. You refused to give in.

Life-changing campaigning is a wonderful thing.


Marathon runners: hard-trained and focused 

With miles in your strides

And pain hardly noticed.

Everyday heroes with strength in your limbs

Your drive and passion a...

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