The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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We Get It!

We Get It!


We get it

It’s dangerous

Lethal, I think they said

We hide indoors

Obey the laws

It’s better than being dead


We get it

But it won’t harm

Getting a hug or two

It’s Christmas after all

And deserved

After what we’ve all been through


We get it

The vaccine’s near

So we’ll all end up being alright

A kiss

Under the mistletoe


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christmas 2020lockdown easedcovid-19infectionbroken ruleseasingrisk

Plague Doctor

Plague Doctor


One thing this plague has taught us

Is that close proximity can be lethal

You could be a carrier of ideas

Asymptomatic in their spread

Just your unthoughtful actions

Triggering others to violence


You could infringe on the personal space

Of other people’s beliefs

Carelessly trampling over them

By thinking only of your own gratification


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napowrimo2017day 12(73)plague doctorwordsopinionsinfectionplagueisolate

The Lodger

The Lodger


We let him in

And he stayed


He had been pleading

Out there

Wanting somewhere to stay


At first we thought he was just like all the others

Some fly-by-night who would be here then gone


But no

He wanted to hang around


He was everywhere

Into everything

He made us change our daily routine

He was probably in the kitchen (and we w...

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napowrimo2020day 30covid 19lodgerreturnsecond spikefearin houseinfectionwarning

Corona Virus AKA Covid 19

The news told of a distant menace headed our way, 
that might overwhelm our world, 
like the Spanish flu a century ago 
or the plagues of the Middle Ages. 
They said it was implacable, sure to wreak havoc soon. 

It was like a monstrous hurricane far in the distance, 
threatening everything in its path. 
It was a virus called Corona, a crown of thorns.

They say that, like a zombie, it i...

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Make sure you don't have it

If you can check for nasties 
To make sure you don't have it
Then why  would you say no,
You're silly, opening the door
Saying "hello, come through,"
Or " I'm not scared of you"

The needle might be scary 
Or perhaps you're rather weary,
that the procedure they require
Is not one that you desire 
It won't be as bad as you fear
When it's over, have a cold beer

A stool sample might ...

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diseasedon't be afraid to send your stoolget checkedinfectionmake sure you sonr have itnastiesPrevention is better than a curerhymeslightly comedic?

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