inner struggle (Remove filter)
Gloom Of Grey
I walk this walk in winter’s fog
along the path to fill each day.
Each stranger I see barely nods,
they pass by without aught to say.
Against the cold I wrap my coat
while trying to ignore the sting
and thoughts of all the miles ahead
that passing through this season brings.
I still recall the trees in color.
It seems like just a day ago.
I dream of time i...
Sunday 2nd March 2025 9:25 pm
Lies Within
I’d take a knife and cut it out
like some deep-down infected gout
if only it were there under my skin.
I’d prick a vein and let it bleed,
free flowing, nothing to impede
if I thought it were streaming deep within.
I’d amputate it bit by bit
til there was nothing left of it,
then throw it piece by piece into the grind.
I’d heat a rod to glowing red,
...Monday 26th February 2024 2:16 am
At The Door
Curled up in the corner
in dead of the night.
Afraid of darkness
and praying for light.
Eyes peer from the ceiling.
Hands reach from the floor.
Hearts beat from the walls
and he stands at the door.
No chemical shields me.
No masquerade hides.
The sweat of my body,
the fear in my eyes.
He’s pounding and pounding
and growing in strength.
He’s ...
Tuesday 13th February 2024 4:10 am
The War
Momentary peace is a thing,
Lifetime of peace who has ever gotten?
And there exist people who haven't witnessed a single spring,
The fruits they've reaped off life are all rotten.
Time lingers on, it takes small sluggish steps,
While the war seems to last for an eternity.
And though the mind's tired and body's started to sweat,
There seems no concrete vision, no certainty.
Innumerable ...
Tuesday 7th December 2021 6:04 pm
Bare Minimum
I sat before him
Crumpling in onto myself
Lost in my head
Wishing I was dead
It's over now
Why are we still here
He got what he wanted
Why does he sit there and stare
My body limp
Folding over in submission
My head on his knee
...Monday 14th September 2020 5:44 pm
If you could compare my soul to anything in nature
I’d say it‘s like a thunderstorm
people have mixed feelings about it
there are positive and negative feelings involved
some fear it for its destructive potential
some admire the lightning show
tension holds it together
that it’s trying to release
an inner state of unease
it’s contrary in all of its parts
the heat...
Saturday 25th July 2020 10:18 am
Poker With Lucifer
The darkness falls under my skin,
I hate my life and my soul within',
I'm trapped in my mind and I'm full of sin,
I'm fighting the devil and I cannot win,
Complacent thoughts are spinning around,
I hear His voice but there is no sound,
He showed me the way, the truth and the life,
The battle is won, I won the fight,
Come on devil your talk is cheap,
I've played my cards so read 'em and we...
Tuesday 15th January 2019 6:01 am
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