The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 32 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

kill (Remove filter)


we've reached that painful stage

where she can't do nothing right

life's all shouting glare and fume

but for me its an unequal fight


sorry, but I can't take it anymore

she's wearing me out to a thread

the urge to kill her daily corrosive

wish to God she'd just drop dead


something occurred in her mind

hormonal changes kill older cells

where age-related issues...

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Two Cats

Oscar is the light of her life

in bed she nips off his ticks

drowns them in water, she's

dispensed with other pricks


but Oscar meets his nemesis

she's spurned him for Teddie

he's well-bred and better-hung

soon they were going steady


locked out of her bedroom

Oscar hear animal sounds

tackle cut off long ago, now

his mistress out of bounds


hissing a...

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animal soundsbetrayaldeadjaguarkillsnarledtickstwo cats

Cannot Be

Cannot Be

The men with the guns do all the bad things

From shooting one another dead

To blasting innocent people for fun

And robbing banks to further their aims

Plus dealing and transporting drugs

Not to invading other countries for power

Complying with their mad leaders who also kill

All the above and more done by firearms

Waved about and fired by angry men

Who have ...

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Not The Same

So much pain I try to keep it tamed 
We grew up different we not the same
The shit u do is fine the shit I do draw the line
Yo family there when u fall 
My family flat out don’t care 
U had everything 
I had to jugg everything 
I guess sometimes life ain’t fair 
It’s more to me then a ugky face with long hair 
Always been small but ion have fear 
Some nights I couldn’t sleep 
Many night...

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the mosquito lamok flying fucker
kept biting me again and again
i venemously defended myself

doing my best to annihilate it
but kept missing and failing
till i had my chance and acted
a dead cert kill kill kill!

yet when i looked it wasn't there
where was it?
inside my pc keyboard

i inverted this and out fell the lamok
stunned vulnerable and soon to be dead
mosquito was u...

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Events and Time


Events and Time 
I guess my feelings don’t really matter, that I don’t need anyone by my side when I’m down or upset or depressed. Don’t you know I’m just like anyone else? Though I’m different I’m just the same inside don’t you see? Do you know how hard it is to live alone and not have anyone to care for you? And when I meet someone who I thought was special, to let her in and trus...

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darknesseventstime2009alonemurdergunkillfast romance





C’mon lads – equal opportunities, join up for your country,

we need you to do your service. Meat grinder of death needs oiling

with your body fat and intestines.

You’ll get a medal for your success, tell your grandchildren

of your valour and heroism.

I want your blood to flow down the street,

turn it red, slippery like myself.


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warviolencedeathfunkillsatandevilweaponsequal opportunities

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