The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

malice (Remove filter)

Sin by Sin


living sin by sin
the worst shadows are those I feel
sweepng my brow when eyes are squeezed,
brushing my diastolic dreams
when umbral curve eclipses my hold and
pries it from the highest wires all that bears
my worth, in such slow regard, recedes
and as I fall the angle is that Jesus saves,
this thrift expains the reason then he leaves
so ma...

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Each Branch I Snap


each branch I snap spills
accusations of every broken neck I ever wished
so out of politeness I bow my head
to show the dotted line,
the hemp tattooed severance knot;
that grace, which allows my hands
such time to forsake the face
of saved history
when everyday swings
the way of an ending that wont be changed
the grass, as always, redder
on that...

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Moving onregretageingmissed opportunitiesbitternessmaliceresignationresistancejealousy

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