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far end of the graveyard

cant find it for tall weeds

but why did I come here?

thorn pricks, leg bleeds


this grass needs cutting

Billy always was a liar

there's daffodils dead

more blood from a briar


should have put on a coat

hurt me when he strayed

its starting to snow again

not only me he betrayed


trips on a trailing bramble

marble knocks her ...

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straysgraveyardweedsthornbleedssnowmarbleboxescare home


Ten years it stared at me

A reminder of that windy night

When red wine was spilled in anger

Just by the coffee table.

I let it be but often, bored by TV

Or trying in vain to read

I'd let my eye linger as it faded.

A bit like me, for

I never found anyone else.

Instead I kept it but

Heard about her the other day.

She never had a clue about her Axminster memorial


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The Harp and the Fountain

I fancy the setting here is the House and Gardens of a very large Stately Home of England.


The Harp and the Fountain

Plucked by tumbled fountain waters, arpeggio

harps cascade clear and bright, flow

smooth as polished marble by Michelangelo.


Above, drawn by light, Heaven's trim barouches glow

dream-like through veils of rainbow'd mist,

arrow South a skein of Tundra S...

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