metaphysical (Remove filter)
sapiosexual - attracted to intelligence
practicing chiropractors
correct us —
posture up —
try, and
… stand upright
formless before the big bang
chaotic with a dark past, and
the light an omnipresent
cognizant force with foresight
for the universes future is in order
simulation theory
0’s & 1’s
the singularity
near infinite
expanding with each addition
times, O
multiplied it is still nil
Friday 14th February 2025 9:07 am
The Evo’s Gift - Forgiven Sin
The resounding sins, of
many echo through
their etheric karma
manifesting the
good intentions, of
Personal Truth
at the end of the day the air waves:
find their way back home,
when the sun goes down, and
the lights go out at night
lightning never strikes the same place twice
however, once in a while you wonder…How?
In the world we live in —
Wednesday 25th December 2024 10:20 am
Written in Stone
an epitaph
covered in overgrown grass
numbers and a letter encrypted,
written to the deceased,
for only those who knew him
you’d truly understand
Saturday 2nd November 2024 4:14 pm
Hot Spring
the plumes of a caldera,
and the dark clouds,
sun overshadowed,
at its core a scalding heat turned colder
because of similarities
shared this simile
for the changing of seasons, anew
an unforgiven embrace
Saturday 2nd November 2024 4:05 pm
Table Manners
he wouldn’t let us leave
without paying,
for our meal
had to-go
then bantered with them
and, you ordered to make him take it back
the whole ordeal was a real headache,
I could feel tension in the temple,
and had to meditate, to
clear my head and relieve the stress
I wanted to post a pic of my meal,
but it was almost traumatic
Maybe, I’m just being over dramatic?
Saturday 2nd November 2024 4:04 pm
size them up
had me my hand me downs
and, we all know too well known
if the shoe fits wear it
nicest stuff is worn out and she wore my XXL shirt around the house
her chores, get done…
one bra in the wash and no panties on
The first steps
commemorated with expensive shoes,
soles being broken in,
a mash of burning glass,
molten sand and in it,
it’s silica content
Sunday 27th October 2024 6:11 pm
approach with caution
veered off, routine stop, in the shoulder…
looking over your paper work,
keep your hands on the steering wheel,
“I’m not going to ask again”
repeated offenses
respect my authority
police officers
a ford mustang and dodge charger
government funded electric vehicles
take a look inside the hood, it
purrs like a street cat with a scratchy throat
cut the lights on and off
I’m just try...
Sunday 27th October 2024 6:09 pm
online attachments
“Hooks & Worm” viruses
hosted— a parasite
on the web
spider crabs
In their net
Sunday 27th October 2024 6:06 pm
walk the line
My turn
I’m going to
spin the bottle
no one ever even noticed me
in High School
our first kiss
needs to be perfect
you don’t get a redo
Thursday 17th October 2024 10:58 pm
love-hate relationship
obsession …
— envy us
in the way they stay upsetting
you’re setting yourself up for failure
possible optimism
two glasses
my other, half
fully blurry vision
they’re prescription
usually she has to squint
and hadn’t felt the planets tilt till now
Thursday 17th October 2024 10:56 pm
Red Dye Number 40
in pursuit of riches
snapped twigs, and
exhausted —
all my resources …
in the heat of the moment.
Thursday 17th October 2024 10:55 pm
Lost Angels
Tupac Amaru Shakur
Los Angeles
thug poetry
40 ounces of malt liquor
Olde English and calligraphy
slurring my words…
sounds as if I’m speaking in cursive
Thursday 17th October 2024 10:53 pm
take your shoes off at the door
I’ll take your coat
your hair smells refreshened
from the ozone
remnants of soap
lathered and rinsed out
in the rain shower
Thursday 17th October 2024 10:51 pm
attacking my integrity
questioning… me
I, was taught there was no such thing as a stupid question
second guessing…
you were impolite.
looking for answers in an inner view
Thursday 17th October 2024 10:50 pm
Stars and Stripes
big brother
little kids,
children in the middle
civil war torn nations
civil discourse
say your prayers
“Our Father”
we gather together to ask for salvation
Thursday 17th October 2024 10:47 pm
High Performance
Spun -
A burnout —
driven to madness
in a
drug fueled accident
What a catastrophe!
Thursday 17th October 2024 10:45 pm
cellular division
the genomic sequence
time is a light matrix
encoded in
0’s & 1’s
goes on forever …
and, in that order
10, 9.
A singularity
and absolute zero
the big freeze or heat death
he said no one can help us
when, asking the universe
for answers
what, times any number
… is nothing other than zero
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:53 pm
Blue Moon
This tidal,
ebb and flow
of our own
mixed feelings
as a solution,
salted tears …
we are 60% water
these waves of emotion
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:51 pm
Blue Moon
This tidal,
ebb and flow
of our own
mixed feelings
as a solution,
salted tears …
we are 60% water
these waves of emotion
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:51 pm
Sweating in my Sleep
This is a dream full of desires,
and I like to think
when we go to sleep eternally
our soul
will not be without
the rest in heaven.
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:34 pm
Creature of Habit
at times I find myself
with insight
into my third eye
the inward perception
of crystalline tears
holding onto emotions
looking for one thing
The truth
Friday 23rd August 2024 4:04 pm
Waxing Poetic
my love letter
stamped with a pair of pressed lips
then sealed with a kiss
the silent observer.
waiting for his moment
with the present
trying quietly not to mouth breathe aloud
smothered in your undergarments
while fire from the two flames
on a magic candle
over and over
like a brazier come undone
Friday 23rd August 2024 4:02 pm
The Vacuum of Space
star dust -
quantum particles —
and, strings ...
from the fabric of the universe
ashes to ashes,
A bindi
black glasses,
fragmented obsidian
and, an asteroid belt
A Shero
— deified
hereafter she received
Saturn’s ring.
Friday 23rd August 2024 4:00 pm
We Took a Wrong turn
You know what ?
they say,
three lefts make a right.
I’ll go ahead
and, uh…
double back around
now, where were we
we’re here
well.. then,
why didn’t you just tell me that in the first place
Friday 23rd August 2024 3:59 pm
Dead End
you need to
... stop
ignoring ...
the warning signs to
turn around your life
Friday 23rd August 2024 3:58 pm
Bullet Points
This just in
The faulty firing pin — from a fire arm
had become dislodged
causing it to misfire
very briefly …
in acceptance of all responsibility
the city-state committee
has sent a representative
that will be answering questions
now… back to you
in other news
we have a sunny forecast
there’s a color shader
right there, on
this heat map
that has an infrared si...
Friday 23rd August 2024 3:57 pm
Symbiosis of Broken Hearts
What is love?
Besides “A”
— a couple of
vowel sounds,
between U & I
Sunday 28th April 2024 6:56 pm
Star seeds ‘n’ the Cosmic egg - of life
Dewy lotuses,
grow in the dark -
creating an entangling —
Flower of Life …
nature and everything — we know — has its roots
on the grounds of truth
every family tree,
a tree house.
Habitats for Humanity
There is a lone wolf
which is black,
and blue,
in the eyes :
whom sees the world differently
depending on —
whether or not you’re
— on his or her good or...
Monday 15th April 2024 8:00 am
The Great Window
I sit quiet, smoked out with sage and gratitude, love overwhelmed. Of course, for God and Christ, white crystals and frankincense, and high frequency vibration ever rising, but most of my thoughts are of you.
I’m grateful…
For our teach-learn/learn-teaching. It pushes through and sheds light and mostly – it paints.
With wide colorful strokes, our shadow projects into the ethers and I se...
Wednesday 27th December 2023 1:41 pm
The Coming of a New Age
With every year's end - the advent marks the start of a new day,
as human kind we’re always growing wiser, furthermore, fully face to face with the task of taking baby steps toward a straight forward path —
It’s time to take a stand…
(With that being said: we really need to enjoy such a joyous occasion)
In an effort to boost morale; International Women’s Day should pronounce a two part holiday...
Friday 15th April 2022 8:35 am
To a Late Friend
No more asking of “what” and “why”;
As always, silence replaces the weeping.
I keep repeating that you are not alive,
But you are not dead either, you are just sleeping.
I hear your steps on the staircase,
Your voice rushes in, then, the smell of your hair.
You smile at me, and I look through your face
As the cold of eternity fills up the air
And rests on the lifeless face ...
Wednesday 17th February 2021 12:11 am
Half-life half-lived
I cut an apple
In two halves precisely.
Now how do I choose
The finer half?
Life is made up of
Half-truths and half-lies
And then of the almosts.
My half-live half-lived…
The other half is still
Inside the magician’s hat.
Saturday 6th February 2021 10:18 pm
The time is crawling
The time is crawling
On this slippery Friday afternoon.
My body is trapped
In an hourglass room.
My poor empty body
Can no longer feel the pain.
There is a dry flower
In the corner.
I have been staring at it
For the past hour.
Does it crave love
That I can no longer give?
Saturday 6th February 2021 10:16 pm
I'd always been part of you
It was me whose glimpse you caught
Turning around the corner,
Wishing to go unnoticed.
It was me you felt
Sifting through your fingers
Like sand at dusk,
Sitting alone on the shore...
It was me you smelled
Walking through the autumn orchards,
Through the sunlit prairies,
Through the second-hand bookstores.
It was me you tasted,
When you bit an unexp...
Saturday 6th February 2021 10:15 pm
Luule #1
Poetry, heavy words for all souls that want to be free,
it's the burning sun above the dead trees with no leaves,
saluting all the real ones and the OGs that people ought to be,
running wild chained thoughts with no minds is what they seek,
watching people burn from the white fire trying to flee,
as the damned creatures banned from Heaven have nothing left but to go down on their kn...
Thursday 17th December 2020 8:50 pm
occult curriculum, whispers of the ancients, leave for letting out secrets
oil lamp kindling catching flames; shining begotten light from passerbys
in between classes, shifting penrose stairs lead into underlying framework on occasion
halls lined with rooks adjacent and curators searching for a select
rites of secret passageways proclaimed, karma to the dark is just a means to an end
time and...
Saturday 4th April 2020 11:11 am
spirit assortment
Shining ever so bright
a beacon of hope, like a chinese lantern
photosynthesis get' me through the night
beauty so divine, i wonder if i could map her
would the geometry show me the light?
because she must be god's best work
my third eye look through the peephole
how can she not have walls up when she deals with these people
guide me, be my mentor
would you take my hand, and put this fl...
Tuesday 18th February 2020 3:41 pm
Matriarch butterfly, conduct conducive
mother gaia's demeanor echo.
as you move mountains
as she size your shoe, electrifying presence
you're so well grounded
heart fluttering, don't be disheartened.
trumpets erupting, as you walk the walk, my mind carry off as I'm wrapped in your minutiae
Shift the world, your tectonic occupancy lay rise to volumes of topographic novelties
Sunday 16th February 2020 8:56 pm
Out of body
You know that you are having
An out of body experience
When you find
Your heart and your mind
In a different place
To where you physically
Saturday 14th December 2019 12:21 am
The night
has some secrets.
It is still burning
in spite of
its deep burns.
It shows
it has received
It confuses us
with some
Thursday 22nd December 2016 4:46 pm
Tell me woman, who is more honest:
The face who smiles, with bright murderers standing in lines,
covertly grinning, 'love exists, but in ways',
the face who cannot smile, even if it's smiling
as his beautiful eyes, now grown up flames, increasing their shape
in a strong kiss that bends two forests,
the face who lives through a fair winter
and claims, it hasn't cried
and the banks whe...
Thursday 15th December 2016 12:14 pm
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