The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

mysterious (Remove filter)

Astral World


I can’t breath, my lungs are burning 

Everything around me is twirling.

Everything inside me squeezes eminently, grabbing away my desire to live on.

I am filled with pain, till my last bone. 

My eyes are full of blood rivers.

He is dying in the roaring silence.



As I opened my eyes,

I saw dazzling stars dancing in the sunset 

It was as quiet as a de...

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Nobody knows me,

Not even myself

I meet people everyday

I talk , I laugh , I smile

Others say that I lie.


I’m complicated, orphic

 hard to understand

Just like the way we don’t know                                                                                                                      what happens in between the oceans.                         


I’m an...

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The Turning Of The Tide

The Turning Of The Tide


… and the ocean’s spoke

in a voice of wrath and anger

that sounded like dark pebbles

rolling towards the shore

in a blood red tide,

‘You have given us your detritus

and so we return yours’.

And their tone

was accusatory,

and their vengeance swift…


It started on a sunny day

with naked bodies basking

in warm August sun.



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day 13NaPoWrirMo 2019mysteriousspookydestruction of oceansplastic pollutionrevenge

The Hour is Late

An innocuous, yet mysterious woman walks into the local bar. She approaches the Bartender and says in a flat tone, “Water please.”

She is around 5 feet tall. She has long, dark, slightly stringy hair. Her eyes are very dark, almost black. Her clothes are old and worn.

He says, “Honey this is no place for you. You should go back where you came from.” A man taps her on the shoulder and ask, “H...

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mysteriouswomantoo late

An archer of the woods

I am an artist of words,
an archer of the woods. 
A constellation of the brightest stars.
An adventurous being,
with dreams that follow the galaxies. 
I seek only wonders,
I seek only peace.
Not mistake me as an ordinary piece. 
My arrow strikes in the souls of others.
It does not have an aim but it follows,
it stays inside like a deep wound. 
It does not break, it just gets stuck. 

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lovedhuman naturecouplesmysteriousnaturewondersmyself


Night my heart desired tight-knit And baggy in anticipation .............

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mysteriouspreachers and the priestthe crossroadwhom have i found

New Poem

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appositeI too is a voiceMysteriouspreachers and the priest

My one day friend, Mark

  To Liverpool

By: Ali Taha Alnobani
On Vernon street
Off Dale street
I sat near the sidewalk
At the edge
Like a broken bridge
People were passing
With their robot walking
Sea gulls felt my pain
Also did the rain
And my one day friend Mark
Who heard the voice of gulls in my heart
And my desire to start
His frien...

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peaceLiverpoolLiverpool poetrymercysideriverpoetrylove poetrylove poemslifefriendshipfriends of the earthbe friends?old friendsmel my dear friendmysteriousMysteryfoggoodbyesJulie Goodyeargoodbye





Ghost dancing through the night so haunting and so mystical,

ghosts are all around you if you know where to look.

Mysterious ghost ships sail on dark eternal seas forever and ever.

Ghostly figures prance through the dark slender trees on a Winters’

moonlit night.

Maybe one day we too will be ghosts if we die in the right way

but now we can n...

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