The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

mythical (Remove filter)

Astral World


I can’t breath, my lungs are burning 

Everything around me is twirling.

Everything inside me squeezes eminently, grabbing away my desire to live on.

I am filled with pain, till my last bone. 

My eyes are full of blood rivers.

He is dying in the roaring silence.



As I opened my eyes,

I saw dazzling stars dancing in the sunset 

It was as quiet as a de...

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Down here where the beetles crawl

Where the leaves of autumn fall

A spider’s web of veins uncoil

To animate the resurrected


Sap permeates the ancient heart

A life’s blood for another start

Coursing through the body

Of the newly resurrected


Orbs of light spark into eyes

The keening of a newborn’s cries

Escapes the brittle twisted lips


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rebirthresurrectiondownsidereligious analogymythicalcrowlore

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