The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

new life start (Remove filter)

I thought you’d moved on

We are reduced to WhatsApp now you’ve left

the ting tells me your specks of thought, no touch

I think you may be synaptically challenged, cheat

your triad of expectations; you, me and her!

If you are trying to separate us, send me messages,

unfurl your inner petals of speech so you can serve me

and I’ll dissolve them into cadences of text history;

a nexus of hope deleted and u...

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destructive affairunrequited loverelationship endnew life start

New Beginnings (by Mel)


New Beginnings (by Mel)                                                                                                                               

So here we stand once again
With an opportunity to start afresh.

Oh what joy this brings to my heart.
To let go of the past,
And to start a new chapter.

Allowing Love, Happiness and Peace
Into our hearts.
Filling our S...

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new beginningsnew yearnew chancesnew life startnew love

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