The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

nothing (Remove filter)

Song of Nil

A tune surrounds the capacious void and the
Fragments of notes encompasses its niches
The volume abloom in shape; loud and announces
Rhythmic flows that proceeds to shatter infringes

Strain of the melodic tune and the lyrical prowess
Tends the ear with musical frisson
Masterpiece beyond sounds, words, and worthy for Aengus
Tranced, like a sailor to a siren and kept bopping on

As the tu...

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I've Been Wrung

Lick your fingers
Every last bit
Bend over
Take the hardest hit
Now, burn
And let me watch
On the spot
Twist yourself in knots
I want the final drop
Become dust
Collapse and shed
Until the last sparkle
Of my Queens head
Is spent
Until the last glimmer
Of her glitter
Has bled
You belong to me
I own your soul
That is how
You line
Every pocket
With gold

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Nancy Theater

No need to go to Theater 
Today is the end of the show 
I wrote you final letter 
Actor decided to go 

No need to read my poem 
Nothing else in the mail 
To save you of bad clime 
My heart, began to fail 

I hope you get my point 
I wish you can get me 
I'm sure the Nancy Theater 
Closed. Do you agree? 

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Either to swear, or not
The lies are a bad spot 
Thanks, but thanks a lot 
For your unfaithful effort 

Isabella, remember, again 
That love has fall in a drain 
Not only nothing to gain 
But also broke the brain 

You believe all what you say 
As a role of a daily play 
Surely, will see some day 
How much of love you deny 

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swearliesbadspot  ThanksunfaithfuleffortIsabellarememberlovefalldrainnothinggainbrokebrainbelievewhatsayroledailyplaySurelyseedaydeny 

every word

“ …. every word is like an unnecessary stain on silence and nothingness” (Beckett)


every word

Be born, live, cry, die; always cry.

Why cry?


Why not?


I am not on Earth

to fail to exist,

or any other madman's fantasy.


Sammy found something


he found

- Nothing.


Eat, move, create, decay;

earthen in earth

for the Archaeologis...

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My pain, guilt are nothing ... if compared 

With your miraclish feel "self-value"

(Nothing evident).

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This is a poem about nothing

nothing coming to mind

never mind it might get interesting

although I doubt it

I have no reason to elaborate

'cause multiples of nothing

don't amount to much

and as such

reveal little except

a blank concept

from which you can draw any conclusion

that avoids confusion.


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The feather crashes to the ground.
On one leg stands a single crane.
The snow falls without a sound,
And birds quieten during the rain.

Awaiting words to read out loud,
To fill the silence like a shroud
Over my nose, eyes, mouth and ears.
If I don't feel, sound disappears.

There is no noise in the background
No more white stuff, hum or drumming:
The sound of nothing, black and round,

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