patriarchy (Remove filter)
Beyond All Reasonable Doubt [Bring Back Hanging]
Nature or nurture?
where she was concerned
there was never any doubt
about either,
but ranks will close
as and when needs must.
Light by name, and light by nature,
A smile to light up every room,
she had always been that way,
instinctively loving and caring,
ever gratefully aware
of the precarity of
her own origins,
but the patriarchy looks
after its ...
Friday 14th March 2025 11:03 am
I've Been Wrung
Lick your fingers
Every last bit
Bend over
Take the hardest hit
Now, burn
And let me watch
On the spot
Twist yourself in knots
I want the final drop
Become dust
Collapse and shed
Until the last sparkle
Of my Queens head
Is spent
Until the last glimmer
Of her glitter
Has bled
You belong to me
I own your soul
That is how
You line
Every pocket
With gold
Friday 18th September 2020 9:44 am
Speak up little girl
"The earth is round" She tried to shout.
But men didn't listen they locked her out.
"The world is flat" She heard men cry.
She'd argued till breathless, just left with a sigh.
But somebdy wrote it for it to be read.
It couldn't have come from a woman's head.
Then the men started screaming "The world is round"
The latest discovery a man had found.
The wor...
Monday 24th February 2020 6:28 pm
Time’s Up
Time’s Up
Is it coincidence
that at the end stage of the patriarchy
we see the extent of the abuse and rape of women exposed
alongside the rape of the planet?
As the Earth is pillaged and torn,
all living beings regarded as resources or collateral,
woman is shorn,
time and again, of her dignity, stripped bare,
in the final days...
Wednesday 7th November 2018 5:41 pm
Feminism: A talk about it
Most of the male chauvinist members of society may assume this blog post is about how feminism is better at improving society and how it is the savior of the society. This blog post is not to discuss advantages and disadvantages of feminism, but it is to introspect on whether it is effective enough or more than effective.
Feminism is quite a challenging word for those male chauvinist people as ...
Friday 30th June 2017 9:38 am
The Plight of the true Snow White
Her lips were red apples,
“Don’t trust lust!”
They called her a hag
Told me she had driven me mad!
“Kiss me” she said
And then I dropped dead
Because I realised my story was wrong,
Erased the ending they taught belonged
And then all I had to do was admit!
Write into the story and say:
actually everyone I am g-
“She’s sick, she’s just sick!”
“She needs a doc...
Monday 5th September 2016 5:26 pm
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