The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

fairytale (Remove filter)

Bluebell Woods



Bluebell Woods


In the enchanted forest, far, far away

Rabbits dress in waistcoats and chat about their day

Fairies live in toadstools, deep in the wooded dell

They sing and dance to the chimes of the quivering bluebell

An Enid Blyton story, a fairy tale or dream

Or closer to the truth, than at first it would seem


Down in Bluebell Woods, which is not so far ...

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bluebellsfairytalenaturewoodlandChildhood memoriesmagical

Hansel's Universe

I donā€™t want to look up at the sky anymore
for it terrifies me
the stars have never been more than crumbs of the universe
laymen wish upon
and suddenly I find myself
tracing your eyes
and the bottom of your chin
along constellations complex
crumbs that leave a path
tiny pieces of you
that lead me home

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The Plight of the true Snow White

Her lips were red apples,

ā€œDonā€™t trust lust!ā€

They called her a hag

Told me she had driven me mad!

ā€œKiss meā€ she said

And then I dropped dead

Because I realised my story was wrong,

Erased the ending they taught belonged

And then all I had to do was admit!

Write into the story and say:

actually everyone I am g-


ā€œSheā€™s sick, sheā€™s just sick!ā€

ā€œShe needs a doc...

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consensusconventionsdeviancefairytaleheterosexualisationheterosexualisednormspatriarchyrape culturesexism

The Fey Queen

Amongst the folded hills
The forest ripples
Down into the valleys,Ā 
Clambers back upĀ 
Towards heavenĀ 

A Saxon Lord, a hunter
Atop his white and noble steed
His kinsmen close behind himĀ 
Hounds baying at the Stag
They pursueĀ 
Charges through the sunlight
Dappled green
Painted on his brow

Concentrated on his quest
Divided from his clan
Appearing in his vision
A ...

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The Macabre Castle

The Macabre Castle
The macabre castle stood on the hill
Long since forgotten as though time stood still
Just close your eyes now and picture this scene
A castle so scary no Childs ever been
The sun doesnā€™tā€™t shine on its great grey cold walls
And even the battlements look lonely in the rain as it falls
And the drawbridge resembles the teeth of...

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children's poetrycastlesstoriesfairytale

Cinderella Dreaming





The birthing of articulated expression
will always find its means of entering
into the world outside and beyond
the inner recesses of our awareness.

I love the wee and trippy hours of the
after midnight when the glass slipper
lay glimmering aloof in the moonlight
and the weary dreamer sets some
ink of thoughts onto the parchment
of a woozy head - too...

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