The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

promises (Remove filter)

I believed

I believed, because we believe all the time.
We believe in the structures around us,
in what we were taught, in the promises made to us.
I believed in what was given to me as certain,
in love that is, at the same time, a bond and a prison.

But time, that relentless teacher,
showed me that truth is plural,
that certainties fade away,
that the world is complex,
and that true freedom comes...

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Haiku for 2025 [No. 3. What change?]

Government snow: lies,

shallow as their promises,

newly-fallen, melts.

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When a promise is made

When a promise is made but those words vanish in the embers, your cries echo from the deceit.

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promisesbroken promisesvanishcries





Time to play.


You find an unusual relic.

A golden puzzle box of unknown origin.

You hold it in both hands.

Turn a corner, turn another and another.


You feel the slice of a blade

In the palm of your hand. Drop the box--

Which lifts, changes shape. The puzzle solves itself.

Plays a short tune. The wall sp...

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"Someday you have to show me
Your beautiful place"
There is no "someday" anymore,
I wish I could tell you
That this is just a crisis,
A temporary closing.
I wish I could reassure you
About our freedom,
The written words
Would, still be valid,
Named by the city you love in.
Now they all forget
How precious they are,
Behave more like in the pre war,
Greeting Weimar,
100 years ...

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Never againnever forgethistory repeatingclosed bordersfreedom of movementpromisesdemocracy misusedEurope

Small Promises

Out there beyond the hill

Lights twinkle in time with distant voices

Preparing for the new year,

Making small promises of things to come,

Promising small victories of things to overcome.


What will they remember

When they look back at the year,

The fickle promises collapsing around them

Or the achievements made,

Or the constant redirections to get them through anothe...

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new yearpromisesresolutions

The Promise

It has been so many years

since that moment of truth

when finally you were truly alone


It has been so many years

since you flew with the flames

as the organ played


and I looked out at the distant horizon

seeing you there drifting away

into finality


It has been so many years

since I made you a promise

I could not keep


You said

Do no...

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No Take Backs.

Who am I to you?
Do you want me to stick around?
I'm screaming at the top of my lungs
But you still don't hear a sound.

Hang me from your promises
As I choke on your words.
You said you want me forever
But you cut my heart in thirds.

Where the fuck were you
When I needed you the most?
My world was crashing down
You turned into a ghost.

You left me all alone
And I've been lost he...

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