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The leaves come down

The leaves come down

And they’re orange and brown

And they fall in the forest

And they tumble in the town

And they clog up the gutters and gather in the grates

They're  the colour of butter when they shine on slates 

And they crinkle and curl as they silently lie

For this is the time when the leaves all die


In Autumn gales 

They are blown and tossed

As the sun tu...

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autumnFallwar poetryrenewal

The leaves come down

The leaves come down

And they’re orange and brown

And they fall in the forest

And they tumble in the town

And they clog up the gutters and gather in the grates

They're  the colour of butter when they shine on slates 

And they crinkle and curl as they silently lie

For this is the time when the leaves all die


In Autumn gales 

They are blown and tossed

As the sun tu...

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autumnFallwar poetryrenewal

I Am A Phoenix (Welcome The Phoenix)

I've been burned
And risen again
Proud of my new coat
Of feathers
I've been burned again
And risen
Proud of my new coat of feathers
And unafraid of fire.

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couragedepressionhopeinner strengthmeditationphoenixrecoveryrenewalresilienceshort poem

A New Birth

I was born at twenty-one

Thrust out of the womb

Released into the newness of life

Born, at twenty one


Eyes opened to the world 

Crying, struggling, fighting

Trying to make sense of it all 

Yes, I was only born at twenty-one


Borne out of education

Borne out of society’s expectations

Borne out of comfort, out of the shield

Though I lived before

I was onl...

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On the Seventh Watch

On the Seventh Watch:


A little after midnight, I was told to watch from 3,

The darkest hour looming, don’t why it fell to me.

And I was blurry eyed, like other souls,

Whose hearts somehow had all been lost.


Hold your ground, won’t you hold your ground,

Hold it while the Angel’s draw their lots,

Defined by everything that I am not

On the Seventh Watch



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Some mistakes cannot be undone

They haunt us with the rising sun

Memories that hijack the waking mind

And racing thoughts that make life grind

Though we attempt to bury them deep

When we’re vulnerable there they creep

So how from this torture do we escape

And begin our story to reshape

By accepting that we all have flaws

And we aren’t prisoners to what was

Piece by pi...

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I am unsure of who I am
I no longer know what I mean to myself
.........and others.

I am thrust into the unknown
I feel alone and uncertain.
There is always more for me to learn
I have learnt so much
But actually so little.

The emotions I feel
Are old but I am sensing them in a new form.
A refreshing but frightening way.

Holding onto nothing
I am walking a tightrope
Clinging on ...

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I find that I must live in a world

Where, between that desperate dusk and a new dawn,

And between many a dawn and its dusk,

The only reality lies in love.


To be in love in that first dawn

And in the dusk, was to feel the sun

Warm our very passion every minute of every hour,

Reality lay only in the other.

And beyond that dreadful dusk, nothing

but dawns and dusk and ...

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lovetimehopeharsh realityrenewal






There must be a death
if there is to be a resurrection;
The demise of something
in part or the whole of:
that portion of one's being...
Only then shall we see
with eyes new as morning's first light.
Only then shall we have
reinvented ourselves:
allow ourselves to take the first steps
laden with amnesia
of the former, forgotten self.
Come and cease...

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