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scarry (Remove filter)

the old woman in the upstairs window

the old woman  in the upstairs window


the old woman’s cottage

out in the woods

on a small dirt road

was a mystical place

for the boy and his friends


they were told by

other boys that a

ghost lived with her


they got a glimpse

of her once when she

went to the well

to draw a bucket


she wore a long black dress

and white hair down to her wai...

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ghostsold womanscarryupstairs window

Another Two Line Horror Story

I look into the mirror, an old Woman is staring back at me!

AHH!, oh wait, it's just me.




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So Very Alone














My name is Susan and this is my story.

When I was nine years old my parents and I moved to a run down farmhouse. This house was in the middle of nowhere. We were miles from our nearest neighbor. This made me feel so very alone.

About a month later my Ghost made his first apperance. It was a windy night. I was ...

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scarryghost storyfamily

Eyes in the Darkness







Through the window

a star less night,

only gloom and stillness.


A shadow

moves in

the hollow.


Across the clearing

a pair of red

flaming eyes!


They seem to

float through the

air.  The

fear, the horror!


I close my

eyes afraid to

look.  Afraid of

what I might see!



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