The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

seaside (Remove filter)

The Ballad of the Harbour Bar

Said Willie to the Dazzler 

As they settled in the snug

We’ll take a pint of Bushmills malt

To fill yon claret jug


Then the silver jug was lifted 

And held to Dazzler’s lips

To celebrate the winning

Of the Open Championship


In the sunlight on tobaccoed walls

As gold on silver fills the west

In black and white and green and red

The mythic Georgie Best



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golfnostalgiaseasidepubsnorthern ireland

The Harbour Bar

Said Willie to the Dazzler 

As they settled in the snug

We’ll take a pint of Bushmills malt

To fill yon claret jug


Then the silver jug was lifted 

And held to Dazzler’s lips

To celebrate the winning

Of the Open Championship


In the sunlight on tobaccoed walls

As gold on silver fills the west

In black and white and green and red

The mythic Georgie Best



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The melodic grass

This music,

it makes me want to fall from the water

float in the sky,

stare at those lips

and kiss those green eyes,

drink from the clouds

and jump on the pond

to feel the stars

and gaze at the stones,



the rythms , the notes

melt my mind

ignite my visible voice

I'm not here nor there

maybe inside a void


floating on the blues

maybe its a d...

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Bench Looking Out To Sea On The Kent Coast

I am here before dawn

A halo of light appears on the horizon

As the sun slowly rises

Nature’s morning light show plays out before me

Crimson, purple and yellow hypnotically colour the sky

Making way for azure blue on this summer’s day


Daylight reveals highways of the sea shimmering in the heat

Dover to Calais ferries dart between the wake of mammoth container ships


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Glistening sand spreads like satin around.. 
The azure sky resonates with Jays 'chirpy sound..
The play of myriad shades of blue are a sight to enshrine ...
Pages of the sea promise scapes each better to outshine... 
The lined up pine trees sway in a surreal dance..
Slice of heaven is what it seems at a single glance... 
The beauty encapsulates this moment in time ..
The horizon sparkling w...

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A Visit to Kashmir's Poet

Frozen Dal Lake, stiffened doors of Hotel, window panes full of vapour, without electricity is my hotel facing well known Boulevard Road of Srinagar. The elongated footpath between the Lake and Boulevard road is full of footprints impressed by people staggering on snow. With soporific eyes I watch this whole from the window of Shah Abbas Hotel as I woke up just couple of minutes before at 7:40 am.

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kashmirvisitseasidetraveloguebeach mirza sharafat

Grotesque decadence

A small piece I wrote while sitting by the river today, I actually hand wrote about 5 of these and left them at all the surrounding buildings haha ! 

The river dances, An iridescent reflect the sun shines as it mirrors and presents
A cinematic silhouette 
Birds glide, dive into the depths, lizards leapt down the oyster coated steps.
Dip there feet and feast on what the fishermen left, Rotten...

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Sitting beside the sea

I like to sit beside the sea
And close my eyes just enough,
That I can say I'm here alone
I pretend I'm the last human,

All my troubles drift away,
It into the waves endless repeat
Its slow certainty comforts me,
My senses leave on the tide,

The freedom I seek
Comes from living
On a small island

Where I must keep every thought
Every action packed in the land,
They get stepped on...

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The Extent Of The Tide

And so I walked the full extent of the tide,

To where once-fronds of bladder wrack lie,

Fallen branches where air balloons find their specific gravity awry,

A rippling sandscape sculpt by rolling water,

Carpeted with greening algal strands plumose in the quiescent remaining pools,

Seagulls at the edge,

Scouring newly exposed beach,

Beneath the dark-faced island.

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Pondy Diaries

ardent waves,stoical rocks

radiant moon,soaked in sunkiss

sands of serenity,beaches of bliss

mesmerizing memoirs

Pondy diaries

© Juhi Gupte

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Up int' Pool

California by day,

Las Vegas by night,

with flat caps, deckchairs,

and other English sensibilities,

once dying, maybe still,


while trams rattle declaring

sealife promises,

to stargate pleasures,

to Cher and her 'life after love',

entwined with the pulse of a rollercoaster.

Sounds of Saturday football matches,

played hard on soft sand,

menace resting seagull...

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The seagull

A seagull cries above

I look up to see it soaring

its stark outline against the blue sky

seems out of place above terraced streets

singing songs of the sea

it takes me home,

to where...

I'm on the strand line

eyes half closed against the glare

cast by the sun's rays on the incoming surf

echoes of the shifting shore reverberate through me

I am the waves, I am the se...

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beachseasideebb and flow


the sea is rattling bones today

and the wind holds my ears to ransom

for want of a scarf and a hat


she is walking on the promenade

and wants no part of the play


so I am talking to the man on the pier

with the rods and ask

“what’s your game?“



and if he’s lucky


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Chapel Beach

the narrow stepped couched dunes,

doused in a chiffon mist that lies in wait

for the unwary winged hopper or crawling louse,

offer the way to our saline convention where

I wave at the sea

and count a full seven

before it greets me, reciprocally,

with zealous rips and a curling lip I haven’t seen before

on this blandest of the eastern boards

and it roars with ...

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