The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

shelter from the storm (Remove filter)


How do you know when someone's nice?
I mean how do you know that they really like you?
Can you be sure from what they are saying
That it's not just a role in a game they are playing?
I mean, can you have faith that they aren't just displaying
False affection?

How do you know when someone's right?
I mean how do you know that there's no-one nicer?
There's surely a chance that you could be ...

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challengelooking for lovelove's tempestriskshelter from the stormstar crossed love

A Passing Thought

Where now you keep your things
Shall all be empty.
Where cleared for you, a space,
Shall be an eerie gap
In all our lives, when you move on.

The essence of your favourite spray
Shall linger, strong;
A poignant reminder of where you used to sleep.
The sadness and the gladness are as one;
Knowing that you'll leave here to be free.

And so it is with all the memories;
Each individual, t...

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love's tempestcompassionrecoveryNaomi wardcareshelter from the storm

The Wonder Tree

Maybe, the tallest tree holds the sky up
Like a tent above our heads.
Maybe the wide branches shelter us,
As we hide against its sides.
Maybe, the near eternal trunk supports us
As we innocents rest.
And the sunlight is more beautiful,
Streaming through its leafy hair.

I could be lifted high, and safely in its arms,
And wonder at the beauty of the world
As it swayed.
There, would be p...

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friendshiplove's tempestshelter from the stormspecial friendstrengthwonderment

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