The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 41 days, 21 hours. Get details and Enter.

silent pain (Remove filter)

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Beneath the Noise

We carry wounds which no one sees, Stripped bare by the world's quiet indifference. A life lost, forgotten by time's cruel hands, Moments of sorrow fade beneath others' noise. A bomb bursts, its weight unseen, And the rubble settles—no one comes to mourn. We sit with our aching bodies, Alone in a world that turns its back. A sickness takes root, And the world moves on—too busy, too ...

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grieflossisolationempathyindifferencesufferingwarhungeranimal crueltysilent painhuman behaviourinjusticeneglectloneliness

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