The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

thrill (Remove filter)

Shop of horrors

You're a little shop of horrors filled with visionary thrill and spontaneity.

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I see why love is red.

I can’t tell you.

But last night, you entered my chest

for play, some kind of game, like ‘Operation’

and then I couldn’t sleep

I jolted – shivered – jerked – quirked,

now my eyes don’t close

and my body is a pulse,

you tiptoed across my ribcage,

leaving foot prints enlaced by landmines,

you slept on my lungs,

short wired my arteries,

you clipped the circuits of my ...

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lovereddangervulnerablepaindisasterbroken heartexcitementthrillworry

Last Night You Held My Skin Between Your Fingertips

Last night you held my skin between your fingertips;
You washed slow kisses upon my parted lips.
Last night you drew circles across my across my thighs, upon my naked knee;
And gave your closeness to me.

Last night you left lotus-marks upon my throat,
Your eyes seethed against mine, where I had grown remote.
Last night the night lengthened to conceal in billows of silk bliss
The aching me...

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Every sense

The thoughts I cannot forget

The wonder of when we met

The heart beats faster for every smile

I get excited by messages on my mobile


Dreams in my head like a hurricane

Whirling around all over my brain

Tearing right through the past

A bright future is the forecast


There will be a new life to live

With the one who is attractive

Live the journey with passion


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