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travel love thoughts musing (Remove filter)

Only seen a photograph

Only seen a photograph

Will she be fat
Will she be thin.
Will she smell of Garlic
Are her toes crooked.
Are her teeth straight
Does she squint.
I want all of this
Perhaps not the Garlic.

She will be sweet
She will be loving.
Her nature pure
Adventurous, impulsive.
Exploring me
Taking, giving.
Touching feeling
Loving and sure.

Will he be fat
Will he be thin.
Just between th...

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travel love thoughts musingphotographInternet dating


I will fly to you tonight
Through owl flecked sky.
Embrace in the dance
Of love delightful.
Kiss your sweet lips
Encircle your waist.
With my arms
Feeling your heat.

Searching for your rose
Petals of mountain dew.
Touching my woman
A wonderful thought.
Look into your eyes
To your very soul.
Kissing your lips
Giving myself to you.

Days speeding by
Soon you fly to...

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dreamingtravel love thoughts musing

I'm to leave now


By: Ali Taha Alnobani

I'm to leave now

A tall ghost is carrying my bag

A long street is walking behind me

A mad merchant bought my smiles

And no water to renew the dusk

I can't have my step begun

Even if the rain washed my tears


I'm to leave now

Can I have a deep look at your eyes?

Can I take my dreams, your smile

And my dried red rose?


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farewellgood-byevaleValentinesValentineValentine poemleavingshe leave me small giftslovesad loveromantic distance love dan hookslove makingLOVE SONGfalling in lovelove and time passinglove passionfire flesh love passion obsessionlove sonnetLove lostlovedlove is deadLoverslove endingThe Passionate Lover To An Artisttravel love thoughts musing


Travelling again

kicking dust

on sleeping tracks

I sigh for you

I’ve never known

just how far

can you take a gaze?

Across this desert

these badlands

these madlands?

Can you just

walk with it

and keep walking

until borders are crossed

papers handed in

to wary men

in small glassed rooms?

Travel  with it

to a new land


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travel love thoughts musing

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