The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

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The Salwani Fascination

Year 2020. Most people view this timeline differently because a pessimist is engaged with everything that has had an impact. But for the one who has always been a seeker of life, fun and fascination there is a secret in every timeline irrespective of what impact it holds for people around the globe. Cosmos is a lovely place to be in where we get to see lot of our emotions engaging in multitude of ...

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yellowyoung ladybeautiful

Seduction Unleashed

Mesmerizing she looked in that yellow attire

Captivating my heart she translated into a desire

My eyes were glued to her chiseled shape

Such were her curves that I felt seduction…

Bewitched I remained testimony to her youthful charm!


Those rosy lips of hers showcased a favor

Whatever she spoke looked like a flavor

All through my thoughts I kept thinking

Peeping at her,...

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yellowbeautiful womansexy

Banana Republican

Banana Republican


He’s totally bananas

He’s cowardly custard

He nods like a daffodil

His views are all mustard


He thinks he’s a dandy lion

He’s a long streak of piss

Frail as a buttercup

With acute jaundice


He smells of hell’s sulphur

His hair is fake blonde

And he looks like old weeds

That died in a pond


He tweets like a canary

That’s ...

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napowrimo2017day4. 65trumpyellowriddle


The day you bought me a yellow tie

I first wondered at your taste

Your wedding dress was primrose

Canary yellow at the waist


The lounge carpet is ochre

Kitchen cabinets buttercup

Daffodil is the bathroom

The place where I throw up


I'm sick to death of mustard

The sheets seem a tide of amber

In bed I get quite bilious

When over you I try to clamber



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Yellow Divinity

Inspired sometimes you feel but where do the words vanish. I scratched my head for a while but the result was no different. Some vibes were striking me off and on to write, but I wasn’t getting the control on vocabulary. Alas! The will inside was to showcase the eminence of the attraction I couldn’t let my eyes off today. Frankly speaking your halo radiated all around and every time my eye sight s...

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yellowbeautiful womanPraise poetry


we move in silence
the yellowing
age of the roses
continues with the tide

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the night outside
grows colder
he is sitting
listening to the shadows
move from room
to room

there are edges
along the corners
of the narrowing room
where the yellow
light of the lamp
does not touch

he is tracing
his memory
along the curve
of her wrist

the snow falls
in separate time

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