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'Yes, I Will Wear One'

Yes I Will Wear One

(lines written in response the suggestion that

those who are mentally ill should wear

wristbands to identify their conditions)


Yes, I will wear one:
retiring, undefeated,
or at least not admitting it,
as I back away,
hot tears rolling from eyes 
spiked with despair
down cheeks
hollowed by time,
I will wave 
both my arms
in the air, cry:
It's not me...

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Abigail Wyattpoemmental healthwristbandsRedruthCornwall

Me in myCornwall Magazine

At the end of last year I was delighted to be chosen as one of the three local writers featured in myCornwall magazine's Christmas and New Year edition. The article also launched myConrwall's annual short story competition. 

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