Happy Endings
This is the story I’m still trying to amend,
The poem I attempt to remember.
The one where there’s a definitive end
Which finishes happy ever after.
Somewhere along the journey we fought
Against not alongside each other,
We should have been battling with ogres
but instead we punched one another.
We might have defeated the slavering wolf,
Feasted o...
Friday 12th April 2013 1:45 pm
Violent Ends
The day I came in bouncing happy,
You cut my legs off at the knees.
At the time you said I'm sorry,
I have no capacity for such frivolity.
You tore my arms off at my elbows,
Because my touch left you exposed
to thoughts you never choose to show
and my love of hugging was a no-no.
You stitched my lips with copper wire,
Silenced my expressions of de...
Tuesday 9th April 2013 1:06 pm
It never had to be
True to anything,
No imaginings in
This hard cold place
of Gradgrind notions.
No space
for human emotions
with Mills and Boon
in your scared home
of fear and frigid heed.
But palpably I suspect you care.
I believe in a cautious kindling -
Because your arms are warm;
And sometimes unawares,
I watch you s...
Thursday 7th March 2013 4:34 pm
My first Haiku
The small pond expands
with autumn's tepid rainfall
In ice nothing thrives.
Sunday 24th February 2013 9:19 pm
Not over til the pinny strings ping
I won't do lunch at Marks and Sparks,
take the car on weekend drives
then park and lurk at poxy landmarks.
I say no way to nine to fives,
a mannequin on intercity,
I just say NO to domesticity.
Folding towels and ironing knickers?
Fridays are not known as tidy.
No to washing cars on sunday.
And creating brownies, that's for bakers.
NO. Away with all that...
Wednesday 20th February 2013 9:09 pm
Falling partners
This latest ascent, I took first lead;
we both recalled it from fresher years,
when we were newer, climbing harder,
reckless in our need to succeed.
The route seemed changed to older eyes;
we move in measured, smaller ways,
with precision, our motions steady,
we're still compelled to climb when ready.
Living insists we accept the belay
today, but ...
Monday 4th February 2013 8:17 pm
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