I would
But your leg is in the way.
These - little - things
we say
Simple, shortcuts, safe.
Saturday 3rd December 2011 4:48 pm
It felt like failure and it felt like goodbye,
the close of the car door with girl leaving the boy
and the wind around the corner carried no discharged leaves,
the grey cloud hovered but the sky suspended rain,
with regular momentum the evergreen was shaking
as everything around them remained just the same.
But the girl left the boy and the girl walked away,
Saturday 26th November 2011 4:11 pm
Festival time
It's been such a very few short days
since our last intimate embrace,
Yet I can say with an urgent truth
the thing I've missed most is you.
The strain I've felt in that alien place,
How I've suffered for what I'd to do,
left with an ache I can hardly stomach,
and a pressure too great to tolerate.
The colourful pageantry delighted me,
the music, dancers and cl...
Tuesday 26th July 2011 8:05 pm
I hope you didn't see me leave,
and that you're not aware I've gone.
I hope I meant much less to you
than your presence meant to me.
Your pseudo intellectual rants
were scathing, shallow and flawed.
With feeling and enthusiasm
I tried to feed your thoughts,
but your responses made me a fool,
and so I was, to care for you.
Hence your four hundred and seven...
Monday 27th June 2011 7:45 pm
This poem won’t feed the starving
Or even offer food for thought.
This poem won’t clothe the poor
The material is way too short.
This poem won’t shelter an orphan,
Or provide a cover for a widow line.
This poem won’t end dictatorship,
With one voice speaking one person’s rhymes
This poem won’t bring about world peace
Warfare will neither cease nor decrease.
Monday 20th June 2011 1:12 pm
Tough old boots
The costly forestry boots our kid insisted
Warmed your twisted feet in the afterlife
Didn’t worry me in the slightest;
For you it was never about the price.
It wasn’t your trainers which strained my heart,
Or the leather uppers kicking me in the guts,
not the steel toe caps breaking through healed scars.
Or even rubber wellies wading through the tears.
Tuesday 7th June 2011 4:10 pm
First the eggs
First Edwina Currie came for the eggs,
And I did not protest for I am a chicken.
Then the listeria infiltrated meat pate blunder,
And I did not protest for I was yet too young
To fully appreciate the joy of Melba Toast
Next CJD caused beef’s days to be numbered,
And I did not complain as the prices plummeted,
And it wasn’t only Sundays I enjoyed a roast.
But now they link coli w...
Saturday 4th June 2011 9:56 am
A difficult age
Friday 3rd June 2011 9:24 am
Untold story
Read me a story that's never been told,
show me a lover who'll never grow old.
Bring me flowers that outlive the hours,
touch me with rain from enchanted showers.
Find me a fountain whose silvery spray
falls onto faces then trickles away,
gentle as dew on an infant's first morning,
warm as a rose on which tears are falling.
Stroke my cold cheek with fingers that ...
Wednesday 25th May 2011 9:03 pm
World Affairs
Etna re-awakens
The library re-opens
The old guy’s wallet returns
Ant music is having a re-run
And I, I feel removed.
Thursday 12th May 2011 11:02 am
Take my hand and together let's fly free.
Yield to the pull of the far off mountains
and to the salty smell of the cold sea.
Man made walls can't contain you and me,
this fake enclosure of faint fragile lines;
if I exhale the bricks will quiver and concede,
as you too can choose to freely surrender
and accept a filigree of pale shells as a gift,
give your consent...
Saturday 7th May 2011 4:22 pm
Happy Mother's Day
I killed my mother earlier today,
It was Joy who made me do it,
after such heart rending kind renditions,
I felt it would be cathartic.
I killed my mother this very morning,
Aiden showed me the way
to finally find an appropriate time
for respect, remorse and goodbye.
It was an apt action on Mother's Day,
a suitable show of devotion,
the final ...
Sunday 3rd April 2011 7:06 pm
My Wheel Two Love
Today your handlebars
were the antlers of a stately stag in rut.
Yesterday they were coathangers,
wires flexing with my clutch.
Some days they are noodles
twitching just beyond my reach,
but today they were proud and poised
leading me on my way.
Your pedals today were nonstick pans,
feet floating off each prance,
your pedals are outsized jam lids,
Sunday 3rd April 2011 3:15 pm
Litany of Lovers
The first boy I kissed was a kind and courteous youth
With a motorbike and leather jacket he came across so smooth.
Our chaste late teenage romance seemed to feel like love
Til I left for study and he found someone else.
The second third and fourth have vanished without trace,
No memory remains; not a name nor a face.
The lips of this young lady always willingly upturned
...Wednesday 23rd March 2011 2:13 pm
Audenshaw by bus
He had it coming don't you know?
He deserved everything he got.
The bastard shouldn't have done it;
all the way into town I'd had to go.
She'd gone on and on and made a fuss;
to shut her up I got on the bus,
i even took a shopping list;
her sister's coming with the kids.
Just get some of those fancy cakes,
the ones with icing and a cherry on top,
with cre...
Monday 14th February 2011 6:10 pm
Hand and glove
If you are the jumper then I am the wool,
and if you were the wardrobe I'd be the nails.
If I were a lampshade, you'd be the bulb
and if I were a curtain, you'd be the rail.
If my life were a race you'd be the finish line,
or if it was a pumpkin seed you're the sunshine.
If my love were a paperback you'd be on the cover
and if it were a mobile you'd supply the credit...
Sunday 6th February 2011 5:10 pm
Weight Management
I can see chocolate, I can see brie,
cupboards full of possibility.
Crumpets dripping with liquid butter,
hot wok oil and pine nuts splutter,
crispy fat on bacon rashers,
cheese and potatos squelched by masher.
Cushions of creamy mozarella,
chorizo sausage and prawn paella.
My tongue swims in warm saliva
at the mention of braised pigs liver,
my stomach gu...
Wednesday 2nd February 2011 7:17 pm
Rain after Snow
The snow made my road look clean,
grey-brown ruts and cracks became pristine,
and the cleansing power of the rain
only restored all the hidden shame
of broken paving slabs patched with tarmac,
crumbling kurb stones and crooked drains,
mismatched roof tiles, weeds in gutters
dog and cat shit now uncovered;
a washed up wonderland rediscovered.
Sunday 9th January 2011 1:41 pm
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