The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Festival time

It's been such a very few short days

since our last intimate embrace,

Yet I can say with an urgent truth

the thing I've missed most is you.

The strain I've felt in that alien place,

How I've suffered for what I'd to do,

left with an ache I can hardly stomach,

and a pressure too great to tolerate.

The colourful pageantry delighted me,

the music, dancers and clowns,

but when push comes surely to shove,

you just can't beat your own loo.

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Elaine Booth

Tue 16th Aug 2011 23:51

Alison, well said. Loved the fun of re-reading it when I'd "got" it!

And what words of wisdom from Banksy's pal...!! ;D

<Deleted User> (8730)

Wed 27th Jul 2011 13:57

Nice story, nice structuree and nic unusual ending...

<Deleted User> (7212)

Wed 27th Jul 2011 09:00

what is it with women and "foreign" toilets ?
and the "hovering" - oh yes, I know :)

a friend of mine was forever on the bog at work, and when I (subtly) pointed this out, he said "Danny, never have a dump in your own time when you can have a dump in works' time" -a lovely poetic thought I've carried with me ever since.

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Dave Bradley

Wed 27th Jul 2011 07:20

Excellent! And the joys of the right loo roll too, rather than that stuff from the pound shop.

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Jeff Dawson

Wed 27th Jul 2011 00:16

Ha, nice one alison, you might have liked my Glastonbury no more poem from a while ago - here's a few lines -

well no more chemical toilets
and no more hangovers from hell
no more oceans of piss
and no more rancid smell

so I'll listen on my radio
and lie there in my pit
I really don't feel the need to wade
through this years river of shit!

on that note, cheers Jeff

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John Embley

Tue 26th Jul 2011 22:22

So true - even just one day's march behind the Miner's Gala banner broken up by a brief 3-hour stay on the festival field with its multitudinous portaloos brought that home to the whole gang a couple of weeks ago!

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Dave Carr

Tue 26th Jul 2011 21:57

Very good.
I like this.

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Ann Foxglove

Tue 26th Jul 2011 21:56

Good job "he" wasn't Engaged when you got home! Which festival was it? I keep feeling I'd like to go to a festival and I was looking up the people who put your tent up for you, in a place with lovely loos. You can even have a gypsy caravan or a yurt! Bit expensive though.

<Deleted User> (6315)

Tue 26th Jul 2011 21:35

Ok..You got me! :)

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