The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Take My Hand

Take my hand

Where we stand

I know you can

If you just try

I dont want to cry

But it hurts

Makes me feel like dirt

Why can't you hold my hand?

Is it because I'm bland?

Are you proud?

Am I too loud?

Why can't you just say I am yours and you are mine?

Everything was going fine

But alas I feel like I'm lying

I'm wanting more

More than you are willing to gi...

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My feelings on Obamacare

Health insurance

How about some reassurance?

I'm a single mom

Trying to stay calm

But man your prices!

This is truly a crisis!

How can I choose?

The doctors or food?

Its no joke

I'm not a lazy bloke

Work full time

I take care of mine

But this....

It's ridiculous!!

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Butterflies -- 07/2015

What is this?

A flip. A flop.

A rustle of the feathers

Its all bringing back memories

Better times

Better places

Oh, but look at that face!

Heart beating faster

Pitter. Patter.

Quick! Look away!

Don't catch that gaze

It's written all over your face

Play it cool

Don't be a fool

Raise that gate

Shh! Wait....

What is that knocking....

It's fate.

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Nervous -- 07/2015





Run until you can't stop

Go before your bubble pops



Short and deep

How can this be?


Just wait and see

Nice and easy

One step at a time

It'll all be fine





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Writers Block -- 07/2015

Needing inspiration

Having none

Words not coming

All dried up

And numb

Give me a taste

Just a nibble

Please a crumb!

Needing inspiration

But alas I have none

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Daydreams -- 07/2015

Time winds down

Tick tock

As I watch the clock

Days go by 

It seems

Dreams so pristine

Staring out the window

Daring to follow

You to the horizon

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Crush -- 07/2015

The speed

The rush

My face turns flushed

I'm being crushed

By your presence

Can't stand your absence

Laying, relaxing with you

It doesn't matter what we do

Quietly watching TV

Intertwined, breathing heavily

Or cracking up, acting a fool

Its not like back when I was in school

But its true

I like you

And I'm hoping you like me too

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Here's to hoping

Instead of moping

Moving forward

And ahead

Being careful of the tread

But accepting of what will be

Climbing the tallest trees

For all to see

"Hey, this is the new me!"

Here's to laughing 

Instead of napping

Feeling alive

Instead of drained dry

Watching, waiting

Still debating

But all awhile

As happy as a child

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Go Away

Turn back time

Don't waste a dime

Walk right past

Tell you to kiss my ass

Everything was going great

Til you opened the flood gate

Now all I feel is hate

Could careless about your fate

Its funny

Cuz at one time I loved you like I love money

You were my shining star

Now your just a nasty scar

The itch, the burn

It always returns

Why can't you just go away


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Waking Up

I still can't believe

That its came to be

You were my soulmate

It was supposed to be fate

Thought I was at heaven's gate

But wait!

You came disguised

I couldn't see past your deceit and lies

You took me on a ride

Caught me by surprise

Said all the right things

Didn't even need any diamond rings

Put me in a daze

Got me lost in the maze

Til all I could see i...

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Guarded Walls



Quick! Hurry!


Before she sees

Build up a wall

Be careful not to fall

Its just too much to bare

Yes, I know its unfair

But I can't

I just.....

I can't! 

If I were to take a wrong turn

If I were to get burned

I don't think I could go on

See, I thought I had the one

Really, truly

She hurt me brutally

I could have sworn...

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Untold Truth

We woke up 

You were smiling at me

You looked so unexpectedly happy

Wrapped my neck in your arms

Gave me a tight squeeze

I ask why

You won't reply

You never do

But that's the great thing

You don't have too

I already know what's held to be true

It doesn't have to be spoken

It doesn't have to be said

Yes, we might be in a little over our heads

Undoubtedly we...

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Work Day

Pounding the phones

Hello? Is anyone home?

Trying to make that dollar

While all anyone can do is hollar

Please, shh! Hear me out!

There's no need to shout!

Listen for a minute

And I promise I'll be quick to finish

Can I interest you in a quote?

On your car, home, or boat?

No, its not a joke

Not your average bloke

Out to trick and deceive

I'm just trying to do...

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My Inspiration: My Daughter

Never thought I'd be a single mom

It hit me like a bomb

Never thought I'd be all alone

Watching my very own clone

Some days are harder than most

Some days I have to fight not to choke

The stress

The weight

On my shoulders

But I have to say it all goes away when I hold her

When she looks at me

So happily

Its like I have a little piece of heaven

And those probl...

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As I Continue

I'm not weak

I can't accept defeat

Its like a foreign language to me

Stand up strong

Tall and face them all

Defy gravity

Never a victim of depravity

Your smirks

Your sneers

Pssh all I hear are cheers

Moving along

Like a song

A step at a time

Never out of line

Just ebbing with the flow


As I continue to grow.

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