The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Unseen Fight


How can I fight what I cannot see?

Will this pain inside me always be?

Give me a mountain, that I can move,

And there my strength I can prove.


This pain is a foe without hands or feet

No physical hurt can match or meet

Surgery or stitches cannot repair

As my crying soul lays naked and bare


With a cup I would drain any sea

Such a small, simple task that wou...

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Holding onkeep fightingmy past

Dear Dad

Dear Dad

why is all I have to say to you

it seems like you haven't cared about me and sis

ever since we were two

so what if you "had" to move 

you could have taken me and sis with you

but no you didn't, that was rude

I actually thought you left because we ate all your junk food

but only as I grew did I learn the truth

it wasn't because of me it was all because of you


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Is this me

when I look in the mirror

I don't always like what I see

because I see a reflection of me 

I ask myself is this really who I am 

people tell me to love myself for who I am 

but I hope you know I'm not my biggest fan

I probably made 600 wrongs  for every 1 right 

and how often do I try to pick a fight 

is this really me 

it once was not 

where will I go

my life is t...

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who do you see

Out of all the people I know

none really know me

every time I meet someone new 

I put on a face for someone to see

But I have just met someone 

who figured out the truth 

Ans all the things I always feared and never followed through

and guess what 

they didn't see me as a threat

they loved my personality 

the moment that we met

we had the fears and they deemed just...

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Black, black is all I see

is this reality or but another dream 

I'm on a path or is it a maze 

a light will flicker but it will quickly fade

leaving me in a dark lonely haze


what have I done where will I turn 

I even question myself will you ever learn 

up to this point, I haven't learned a bit 

my life is still in a deep dark pit


drug away from life and joy 


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The twinkle in the stars

the whisper in the wind

climb a tall tree 

and sit on a limb


sit there and think 

let your mind go wild 

finally, I was free 

but for just a little while


listen to the coyotes 

howling by the tracks

and listen to the river

flowing in the back

listen to the leaves rustling in the wind 

look at the owl 

trying to fly

or ...

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Broken promise

I knew from the start 

not to leave the house

the snow was falling 

and the wind was howling


I knew after a while 

I was going too fast

while flying around a corner

I tried to let off the gas


I knew at that moment 

that there would be pain

I thought of the physical stuff

not the pain that would make me go insane


I knew when it hit me 

that it r...

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