The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Inspiration figée

Poupée de glace modelée par les regards 

Figurine de lumière 

Mais carcan de toile 

Fuite impossible 

Grâce piégée dans la création.  


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Comment supprimer ce verrou

Qui emprisonne mes pensées? 

Qui empêche aussi bien 

Mes sensations que mes sentiments 

De s'exprimer. 

Une tempête se prépare!

N'entendez-vous pas le tonnerre gronder? 

La pluie battre les carreaux et les éclaires déchirer le ciel? 

Cette tempête pourrait éclater à tout moment, tout emporter, tout détruire. 

Mais peut-être est-ce ce que j’att...

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Inspiration figée

Poupée de glace modelée par les regards 

Figurine de lumière 

Mais carcan de toile 

Fuite impossible 

Grâce piégée dans la création.  


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icemodelIntrospectionglacecréationpoetrydilemmagraceNew Blog Entrymannequin

Royal Coup 

I held my tongue, I still do.

I withdrew within myself 

I tried to figure out who I was,

I guess I have failed. 


You were were always there, 

Always so supportive, 


But you made a mistake:

You stopped encouraging and began promoting me.


You wanted to wear my prowesses like a crown, 

A little trophy. 

You got away with it for far too long, no more...

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Fallen Angel

You have lost your smile.

Where is it gone ? I do not recognise you anymore. 

Your lips strech, I can see your teeth,

You could have fooled us,

You could have fooled me.

Howerver, there is no longer any spark;

Your eyes are weeping and I am the witness of a bygone joy.

Forgive these crude words, there are not meant to hurt you. 


What is this place that have smothered y...

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