Inspiration figée
Poupée de glace modelée par les regards
Figurine de lumière
Mais carcan de toile
Fuite impossible
Grâce piégée dans la création.
Monday 15th June 2020 5:34 pm
Comment supprimer ce verrou
Qui emprisonne mes pensées?
Qui empêche aussi bien
Mes sensations que mes sentiments
De s'exprimer.
Une tempête se prépare!
N'entendez-vous pas le tonnerre gronder?
La pluie battre les carreaux et les éclaires déchirer le ciel?
Cette tempête pourrait éclater à tout moment, tout emporter, tout détruire.
Mais peut-être est-ce ce que j’att...
Monday 15th June 2020 5:18 pm
Inspiration figée
Poupée de glace modelée par les regards
Figurine de lumière
Mais carcan de toile
Fuite impossible
Grâce piégée dans la création.
Thursday 27th June 2019 7:46 pm
Royal Coup
I held my tongue, I still do.
I withdrew within myself
I tried to figure out who I was,
I guess I have failed.
You were were always there,
Always so supportive,
But you made a mistake:
You stopped encouraging and began promoting me.
You wanted to wear my prowesses like a crown,
A little trophy.
You got away with it for far too long, no more...
Monday 1st April 2019 11:32 pm
Fallen Angel
You have lost your smile.
Where is it gone ? I do not recognise you anymore.
Your lips strech, I can see your teeth,
You could have fooled us,
You could have fooled me.
Howerver, there is no longer any spark;
Your eyes are weeping and I am the witness of a bygone joy.
Forgive these crude words, there are not meant to hurt you.
What is this place that have smothered y...
Wednesday 13th March 2019 8:48 pm
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