The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

Or Not

I hate these optics of mine
So blurred
So fragile
Completely unaware of what actually lie ahead
And when dropped... Oh the travesty
How do we replace them
Can they be altered
Can we get them to see clearly
I think without a miracle... probably not
Tuff this optic thing
Something seemingly easy
Yet so devote to short sightedness
It squander the big clear picture
In spite of what is wha...

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When is it that we have to much time;
And at others not enough;
When in a moment we choose;
In a moment neglect;
In others abandon;
And at others love;
Apply tenderness;
Seek solace with someone special;
Choose monetary over life;
Why in these seconds do we choose;
A second could alter a life forever;
It may destroy everything to someone;
Eons spent pondering atrocities;
How long spen...

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We chase intuition
Playing at something assumed
Hoping desperately to be right
Ill intented or not
Presuming a position of power and poise
Ignoring the noise
Finding the hem in our stories
Knowing change is the only constant
The only means to light in the night
Dropping history in spite
As plants drop dried peddles before the budding
We must drop the old so the new can thrive
So the ne...

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Sinking Star Sand

How long can I dig my own hole
Depths unveiled
Life unraveled
Wrapping myself around warped fingers
Striving for perfect bliss
Emptied and filled with less;

I see myself dried and out of water
Wishing obediance was a fortuitous forte
Always picking preproblems yet pronounced
Inviting insult to issues
So far
So fairy tail faint
So far from quant;

Indeed sand will sink
And ink blee...

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Seeing Blindly

Eyes I have nun for I circumnavigate this world blindly
Bold and bound by my inhibitions I silently weep at my own careless, plesureless, persuits
I anxiously clamer for a societal hammer that only exsist in novelty tales
Lust lost and love loathed wondeing what it takes to pull the best of either
Nether my plan no the heavens above seem to corporate
Seems as fate has, could, and will change ...

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Moms Burn

She sets a flame to your wants;
Capable of sweeping out burning fires;
She steers you clear of debre and even kisses your bloodied knees;
Shows you the tenderness of a touch and toughness of a womans  scorning in the same action;
She bids in your absences and advocates even when you don't deserve her fight;
She loves unconditionally wether you choose too acknowledge it or ignore;
She'll acid...

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