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About Last Summer

I miss the Summers of my childhood when vacations meant travelling or simply being at home doing nothing, all day long. Sitting back at home now, I feel summer arriving with all its masculinity. It brings with it the same scorching heat and warm breeze but it still feels different and I keep getting memories from the summer that has long gone by.

The only reason (for why I feel differently abou...

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As time flew by

Oh, those  merry childhood days                      

when I would wake up;                                    

only to the gentle kiss of the sun rays.      

Alas, they had flown by to replace those;      

with days, when I would wake up                      

to nightmares of an unfinished race.

I remember those carefree days;                

when I would just toss and t...

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What would it be like?

Someday, you will be gone;

And I too will be no more.


We will find a place to rest;

After we had gone through all the tests.


Will we remember the days of our past;

Will those memories last?


Will you remember my face

Or will I remember yours?

Will we still feel the same way;

Like we do today?


Have you had these thoughts before

About the life;


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The heart must heal

Shed, shed your tears,

Till you have no more left.

Scream till your lungs can bear no more.

Cry, cry my dear,

For your heart can't take it any longer.

Cry, for if you don't, your heart will get crushed,

Under your sorrow.

And, you will be living no more.

For, if you don't let out,

You will only be a walking dead.

I know, I feel your heart tremble,

I feel you shiver...

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The fairytale gone bad

That lonely, dark the path she took;

led her down to the bickering brook.

the leaves of the fall, ahead they rushed ;

as she walked down the lane in hush.

They whispered all along the way;

"And she wept in quiet" they say.

The starry sky lit her trail,

and the fireflies carried her love's mail.

She called up the fairytale gone bad;

the fairytale she dreamt,

washed away by the stream...

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The rustle of the leaves

That bustle in her heart,

Are longing for the time

That is in the past.


The dreams that are lost

 And the days that are gone

 Are all she now craves.


But little does she know

She hunts for the past

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