The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 4 hours. Get details and Enter.

Anger I guess 

Even though it's me made all this mess

I now regret the last thing I said to you,

I know you have feelings the same as I do.

I've blocked from my mind

Your smile,

Your smell,

Just thinking of you makes me feel unwell.

I want you to understand 

Even though there's no chance,

What we had slipped through my hands, 

I had no control,

I didn't want to ...

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Bi polar sexuality


Facebook is not our friend,
We scroll daily through scans,
Those first delicious pictures of their bundle of joy, once only shared by family;
nowadays published for all to see.
And every time,
left with just one thought, 
"Why is it not me?"

Facebook is not our friend.

Perhaps you have been pregnant, 
Known the feeling,
The weight of carrying the most precious cargo a woman can ever ...

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Regretmental health

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