Human Digitalisation at a fast paced world!
The Journey of Human Digitalisation
In today’s era, digitalization has impacted our lives to a greater extent. Digitalisation has occupied our minds in such a way that we are not able to think and resolve any issue independently. Our addiction and reliance on this Google world are unexplainable.
Most of us have been actively embracing smart technologies and their benefits since the journey ...
Friday 8th November 2024 6:40 am
I am not responsible
They say I'm not responsible,
Always painted in shades of irresponsibility.
Why do they claim every good thing as theirs?
Why do they snatch every accolade and credit?
Why not extend a hand when someone feels despair?
Why not offer a shoulder to those in need?
Responsibility isn't just a word, Each letter holds profound meaning.
Why is it always burdened on the honest and comp...
Thursday 22nd February 2024 5:45 am
Thankfulness, A Nightmare passed!
A Nightmare has passed!
A devil had arrived in our lives without a bang
Do I have, do I not?
These questions engulfed my heart and soul
The heat so peaked in my body and reached 103oC
That couldn't be cooled down easily with any pills
That devil has captured me with his strong grip
I was gradually succumbing into its grip
Thursday 13th May 2021 1:27 pm
A prayer!
A prayer!
Oh God, have some mercy upon everyone!
Please stop this terrible situation
Be good to everyone
Please purify everyone’s sins
It’s horrible to see people are losing lives
Losing closed ones is the most terrible feeling
That no one can heal
Grief can’t be shared, everyone has to carry it alone
Please send your saviours for those who are lone
Shower your blessi...
Wednesday 12th May 2021 3:28 pm
The zombies of New Generation!
The zombies of New Generation
They say they are from 21st Century
They are from very new generation
They called themselves GenZ
Have you ever confronted zombies in real life?
It’s so hard to find them in real life
They can be seen in reel life
They are just antonym of human
If they are alive?
They are alive only in the digitalized world.
Their mornings ...
Monday 12th April 2021 6:10 pm
Life is an unplanned journey!
Everyone has their own struggles
It is an injustice to judge anyone in their life journey
Everyone has an unplanned Journey
How painful it is when parents discovered that their child has a disability
The type of emotions they face while discovering this painful moment is hard to define
At that time the emotions that parents experiences are overwhelming and intense
How painfu...
Monday 12th April 2021 6:07 pm
An unbreakable Bond!
An unbreakable bonding!
I have never seen the bonding of father and daughter like this before
A girl who is remembering her father, each passing day without any gap since he went away forever
Her father must be seeing her love and dedication from there above all
She is not able to forget his father’s love & warmth which is now nowhere
She is not able to recover from the grief of los...
Friday 12th March 2021 6:18 pm
In today’s era, Humanity and Kindness are dying
Every day somewhere in the world, an innocent child dies of starvation
Many Elderly can be seen searching for shelter under the bridge, they shiver in winters without clothes and die from hunger
A conscious sense of realization is dying
We fear to get involved in other’s problem
Solidarity, empathy, compassion, generosity, hon...
Wednesday 11th November 2020 8:35 am
One Life is Not Enough!
One Life is not enough
For those who are optimistic
those who have positive thinking and progressive mind
To create things, to implement ideas
To explore all colors of life
Life is like an ocean of opportunities
to explore talent,
to see the whole worldwide,
to discover new aspects of life by connecting things with ideas
which can’t be grabbed at a time
...Sunday 28th June 2020 7:54 pm
I am high on your Love!
I am high on your love
My love for you has reached to the madness, the each passing day
Your warm touch and love-filled eyes have stolen my days & nights
I love you as deep as the sea and as high to the moon
You will never know how much I love you
It couldn’t be explained in words how much I adore you
Your sweet smile sparkles my life like a fluorescent moon in the sky
Wednesday 29th April 2020 5:49 am
The Fire of Ego
The Fire of Ego
Ego has destroyed everything around
The exuberant fire has burnt all real souls, found
Those were meant to illuminate the whole world
With their pious hearts and glorious acts
Jealousy, anguish, anger, and hatred
Are like ashes that will be alive up to infinity
Love, emotions, sentiments & attachments
Were dumped in dump yard for ages
Nothing matters...
Thursday 6th February 2020 11:35 am
Why Rest in Peace after Death?
Why Rest in Peace after Death
Why don’t we have peace while living?
Why few demons bang doors to destroy the peace of mind
When we ignore them every time
Why they constantly put their every effort into breaking us down?
Why “Rest in Peace” is the only saying informality after death?
Why Peace is not prevailing while living?
Why so many rituals are being followed after dea...
Thursday 10th October 2019 10:57 am
Death is an Eternal Peace
Death is an eternal Peace
Where all grief, pains goes to sleep
Where we can get rid of all miseries
Death frees every soul from anxieties
Pains and grims
Death is an eternal peace
Only death is an eternal truth
Throughout life we have to fight with struggles and endure
There is a Fear from death in every soul.
We can get rid of this fear once we know the best about ...
Wednesday 14th August 2019 1:08 pm
Stay True to your Heart
Stay True to your heart
True to your soul
One must have this as the foremost life’s goal
Stay true to your mind
Truth never hides
Eyes can never lies
Lies leads to destruction of soul
When truth unfolds
Liars can twist the life’s truth
Tries to prove the truth into myth
Only cowards deceits selfishly
With intention to let down truth badly
How can one’s...
Wednesday 14th August 2019 6:41 am
Storm of Hatredness!
There was a storm of hatredness
That Storm hit me with
Ugly Expressions
Wrong Interpretations
False Allegations
Mental tensions
Murderous actions
Extreme emotions and pains
Screams and cries
That storm was something which I can’t define
How much it ruined me
How much they grilled me with their twisted lies
It’s wondering how they got such strength
To trod me ...
Thursday 25th July 2019 1:17 pm
I wish to have peace of mind..
My only wish is to have peace of mind
Which is very difficult to find
Because of a demon in my life
He is the one who never wanted to see me happy
His only intention is to make me trapped
Under his evil influence that has been spread
I wish to have peace of mind
The only wish, I wished since my birth
Throughout my life, I was being judged
No demands, no desires from...
Monday 1st July 2019 6:31 pm
Judgmental People!
We are surrounded by so many judgemental people
These people judge your every move,
They judge your every opinions, decisions and moods
They evaluate your life and estimate your role
As per their life’s primary goal
Whether you are a single or have a partner
They will find loopholes among you to make some story to narrate others
Whether you are introvert or extrovert
Sunday 23rd June 2019 9:02 am
A true Soul Mate!
To have a true Soul mate
It’s not so easy to locate
True soul mates are made in heaven
Everyone is not so blessed one
To find a better half, is really a toughest task
Rather it’s not realistic to ask
Those who find their true soul mate
Are certainly fortunate
A true soul mate is like a mirror
Who loves his soul mate knowing her real picture
Who adores his be...
Sunday 23rd June 2019 8:57 am
Why me?
Why me?
This usually come to every mind
Everyone have to face what is being destined
Why me, comes to everyone’s mind
We generally feels that God is dealing us with disparity
Feels like there is no hope of prosperity
Put this Shit away from mind
Grass looks greener from the other side
God has sent us here for some purpose
Every creature has something divine
Every soul...
Friday 14th June 2019 7:57 am
Not Again, Not Again
You can never get me back
Which I had lost
The respect I had
In the eyes of my
Near ones..
You can’t fill that gap again
Not again, Not again
I am not going to look back again
Please keep distance from me
I already moved on, moved on
Keep your eyes away from me
I think now it’s easy for you to believe
Not again, Not again
Please don’t come again
Friday 15th February 2019 5:24 am
You are my Valentine
You are my valentine, I am your valentine
You, my daughter, you are my valentine till Lifetime
You are energy to my soul
You make me feel whole
You are my heartbeat
You make my world complete
You are my family
I am your family
I hold you close to me
“You” and “me” that is “we”
You are the one I need
In every ups and down indeed
Friday 15th February 2019 5:23 am
O Coveted Pandiculation
I just wonder, we have forgotten to pandiculate
Our mind needs to stimulate
Gone were the days when we woke up in the morning
No time for stretching body accompanied with yawning
Today we are in rat race
No scope to take rest
Busy life with so many tasks at a time
Running in a race where no victory and defeat to face
Those c...
Friday 18th January 2019 12:14 pm
One Life is not enough!
One Life is not enough
For those who are optimistic
Having positive thinking and progressive mind
To create things, to implement ideas
To explore all colours of life
The Life gives many opportunities
To explore ourselves
To see the whole world wide
We can’t grab it all at a time
Life is vast
One needs to be fast
Else it will be late, time stops for none
We ...
Friday 4th January 2019 11:42 am
Shut those Doors..
Shut those doors
Closed those chapters of Life
Which was like scribbled by my Almighty
Definitely with certain reason
Intended to remove my false illusions
Disposed off those few pages
Made them permanently burnt
Now life has taken a new turn
Still someone
Bangs my doors
Put nose in
Irritates me with nonsense things
Just wonder how one can be so insensitive
Friday 4th January 2019 7:25 am
I was Wrong!
I was Wrong
It is unexpected from them
They shown their real faces
Their presence in my life
Were very significant and blissful
I used to worship them as a God
Which was my biggest fault!
Shared my secrets, thoughts and life’s experiences
Looked for advises, thoughts and opinions
You understands me fully
It was perceived by my heart
You know me, myself
...Friday 4th January 2019 5:50 am
I wish all these happy moments gets freeze
I wish all these happy moments gets freeze in this winter
For ever, Forever!
All pains, sorrows vanish away
Like all yellow leaves falls from trees
I wish all happiness, love and laughter falls upon us
Like a snow fall in the winters and beautifies everything which it covers
Let’s get them freeze along with this breezy chilled wind
I wish all these happy moments gets...
Monday 31st December 2018 7:31 am
Its a Christmas Day
It’s a Christmas Celebrations Time
Let’s celebrate, it’s a Christmas Day
Till this cold air fades away
It’s a new dawn of happiness
Let’s welcome it with all hugs and best wishes
Waking up in the cold, dark, wintery mornings
Dance and party throughout the day to make happy surrounding
As it’s a Christmas day..
Let’s paint our lives with full of colours
Celebrate thi...
Monday 24th December 2018 11:40 am
Dance to your own Rhythm
Dance to your Own Rhythm
Be yourself, dance to your own rhythm
People around tries to poke you with all their efforts
Pulls you down morally and socially
Will make you feel irritated when you are at your best times
Ignore them, don’t let your soul to be controlled by others
Be your own leader, master yourself
Counsel yourself whenever needed
Nobody is powerful except y...
Tuesday 18th December 2018 11:52 am
Its better to move on
Take Life as it comes
Move on from all which makes our inner soul unhappy and sad
As it is needed by our soul within
Person within us wants to be happy
Wants to be renewed and get rid of
With the things which affects us badly
which pull us down mentally,physically, emotionally and morally
The soul within us wants to see good,wants to be happy, wants to have gain which was onc...
Monday 17th December 2018 11:54 am
Money is controlling our life
Money plays a vital role in everyone’s life
Every difficulties can be faced if one is backed with money
It seems materialistic but it’s a reality
Every mental tension and trauma seems to be big
And leads to long lasting depression
Which again seems more powerful when we are scanty of money
To lead a quality life , not the extravagant one
Not the lavish one
Friday 14th December 2018 8:12 am
Closed That Chapter for Life Long
Closed That Chapter for Life Long
This Diwali 2018, you rang my number
Which was not at all expected from you
The call was not related to ask about well beingness
It was to curse me, it was to make me feel unwanted
It was to make me feel bad
It was to ruin my sentiments
As it was my wish that I wanted to come there with my daughter
To share few moments of love and...
Thursday 13th December 2018 10:53 am
After Every Dawn, there is a sunrise
Life is uncertain and unpredictable
For everybody
Sometimes these uncertainties creates anxiety
And transforming our overall personality
Fear from future blinding our minds
Visions getting blurred and nothing positive comes to mind
When Bad times comes around
All doors seems to be closed
This time takes the test of patience
How wisely we deal it with the situation
...Thursday 13th December 2018 7:07 am
Again Got Hurted, Again broken down
Again got hurted, again they broke me down
Again I felt worthless, unwanted existence of mine, I have found
Again questioning eyes on me
Seems like they are asking how could I be part of it
Again got hurted, again they broke me down
Again many wounds all around
My repeated calls to them were unattended
Ignoring all and pretending like it is unintended
Nobody wants to r...
Friday 7th September 2018 7:32 am
If you don’t appreciate yourself, no one else will do
It is a universal truth
The more you appreciate yourself, the more you have confidence
It’s better not to rely on others to make you feel good and be self-reliant!
Self-appreciation leads to high self esteem
Which leads to growth in every means
High Self-esteem builds Self-strength
which helps to f...
Monday 14th May 2018 9:13 am
A tribute to Moms- On Mother’s Day
A tribute to Moms- On Mother’s Day
Mom does it all
Sometimes I wonder how strong is the Mom
She does it all from regular household chores or her office’s work
From cooking food, cleaning up kitchen or if it is laundry works
Mom does it all...
Don’t get tired as she don’t want others to feel that she is weak
It has been ingrained in her that if she seeks help from anyone
Monday 7th May 2018 12:43 pm
About Today’s fake Babas
About Today’s fake Babas
Today’s babas are playing with religious sentiments of People
Fooling them for the sake of religion and God
They are well known by their followers in country and abroad
This is becoming every baba’s passion
Misusing people’s money and their blind faith are only their aim
Fake Gurus are hurting simple people’s religious beliefs
Betraying their foll...
Friday 27th April 2018 12:59 pm
Today’s Relationship- The Latest Version
Today’s Relationship- The Latest Version
Today’s relations are full of materialism
Love is now only a term, Love comes with full of conditions
Parent’s love, siblings‘s love too fading away with time
And nobody bothers to get it rewind
Everybody is running to chase things, busy in temporary world
Losing diamonds in search of glitters
Relationship now hardly have to ...
Friday 27th April 2018 9:23 am
The Today's World
The Today’s world –Full of Cruelty, No Humanity
People are psychologically sick
Empathy, humanity, respect for each other are no more exist
Respect for females are continuously lacking
Humiliation, abuse and exploitation in every field, women are facing
Earlier it was a practice of female infanticide
They were killed before they can live their life
Females were not saf...
Friday 27th April 2018 5:46 am
Love at first sight
Love at first sight
It was love at first sight
The first time I saw you I could not believe that you are mine
I was astounded for a while
Your beautiful eyes, your arched eyebrows
Your rosy thin lips, your dimpled chin and your pointed nose
All your features attracts me like a lovely rose
Your flawless beauty and your million dollar smile
For me it’s always a matter of...
Friday 20th April 2018 11:48 am
Difference between Mother in Law and Mother
Huge difference between MIL and Mother
Mother feels the pain what her daughter suffers
She try putting all efforts to keep in her comfort
Keep on saying don’t take tension
I am always with you for your protection
Mother in law never ready to feel her pain
Full of formalities with no realties
Try to pretend in front of everybody that she is the best
Never rea...
Thursday 14th September 2017 8:10 am
Eagerly waiting for the day
Eagerly waiting for the day
When you will say Mamma don’t go office
Office is so rubbish
Waiting for the day when you say mamma I love you so much
I will give you a big Hug
When you will say I am waiting for you whole day
Please don’t go away..I am waiting for that day
When you will say mamma you are working so hard
It’s a very difficult for me being apart
Mama I don’t w...
Thursday 14th September 2017 8:06 am
My cute little Teddy
O my little girl, now you turned one
You are my sweetest one..
You are lovely and chubby
You are my cute little teddy
You are my darling. You are my addiction
You have the entitlement of all my love and affection
Your warm touch makes my face glow
I love you so much that I want you to know
I sleep at night thinking of you
Wake up in the morning thinking of you
Tuesday 1st August 2017 6:24 am
My Perfect Man
I wish for a life partner( who is in fantasy)
Who would make me happy and wholesome
Have good sense of humour and should be truesome
I wish for a life partner who is broad minded and have treasure of innovative thoughts
Who is generous and without any blots
Who has broad shoulders, when he hug me I feel secure
Wish for a man whose heart is very pure
The one who adm...
Monday 10th July 2017 1:07 pm
To become Mother - The Most divine Feeling
O My little girl , when I become mother it was the most divine feeling
Which is incomparable to any precious thing
Sleepless nights was my routine
Only You have increased my Self- Esteem
Your beautiful ever smiling face is my dream
I never crib that I am not able to get time for myself
I enjoyed every minute of it and I never trade it for anything
I love you fro...
Monday 10th July 2017 1:05 pm
To be a Mother - the priceless feeling
To be a mother is the priceless feeling in the world
To hold you in the womb for nine months is the ultimate thing to be felt
The way you kick after eating and sleeping is the best time that I enjoyed
Those were the precious moments which nobody can destroy
The day you come to this world is my biggest achievement
Thanks to God who has done the great judgement
Awesome moment ...
Thursday 6th July 2017 9:56 am
I have a dream
I have a dream…
I have a dream to live a simple life with peace of mind..
A dream which is very easy to define..
Dream to see smile on every face
No tears, no argues and no regrets
Love to be surrounded with few loved ones
Who are genuine and very true ones
No desire for lavish lifestyle..
No craziness for a luxurious life..
Want to be grounded in my life
Tuesday 6th June 2017 10:49 am
little companion
She has entered into my life like an angel
She touched and healed me like a miracle
She has spread fragrance into my life
I feel blessed when she look into my eyes..
I am fortunate that she is mine..
Just wondering how worthless was my life..
I am drenched into her love..
I am Elated feeling her soft touch..
Her eyes twinkled with mirth…
I am changed after her birth..
Saturday 20th May 2017 10:42 am
My little companion
She is my Life, She is my whole World
She is my Love, She is my dream
I struggled for her and now she is mine
She has made my life worth living with her charming and divine existence
She is my true desire, she is my ultimate ambition
That’s why she is the God’s supreme creation
She has attitude …she has grace..
I feel Myself out of this world..feel pride and overwhelmed when s...
Thursday 18th May 2017 8:43 am
Life keep going and going
There are many unspoken feelings and unsaid words which is overflowing…
We wait for perfect moment for being happy..
But several moments were left un enjoyed..
Many pleasures left untouched by heart
Several intervening bad moments Chased away sleeps…
We missed many moments to feel gratitude
Just becoz of our so called attitude..
Lets take some deep...
Thursday 18th May 2017 8:41 am
Simple Girl
I am a just simple girl..very simple to love me..
With big dreams. ..Have lot to explore..
Don’t like pubs..dont like noise..dont know how to dance on the floor..
Have few friends..have few near and dear..
Know how to love and how to care
Have new creative ideas which I love to share..
Looking for innovative thoughts and clear views to hear..
Have some imperfections. .Just emb...
Thursday 18th May 2017 8:38 am
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