The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Soul Sister

Nothing comes sugar coated
Forget what I want to hear
All facts only
No punishment here

Her insights are a gift
Taking time to think of me
Disregaurding would be hurtful
Both to her and
To me

If I were to go down a dark path
If she were to sit and watch me fade to black
Would be a waste of a beautiful friendship
A heartache that couldn't be taken back

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best friendunconditional lovewomen about women

I loved you

I loved you 

From the moment I saw you

Black beanie 


Cigarette hanging from the side of your mouth

Dripping in hurt and cynicism


My imperfect reflection


We spent days in bed

Hid from the world

Made our own


You were the light in my darkness

The first to really see me

The first to truly love me

What you gave me I'd never had before


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divorceheartacheLove lost

A Letter


Kind, brilliant, bright

Strong and gentle


Understand how to see and feel

Appreciate the beauty that is


Cherish it

In its incredible, ever changing, unpredictability

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