The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Fight

Pink, Red, and orange

fade to black

and I take cover

hiding under the bed.


Laying with the demons roaring

screaming attack

I thought he was a lover

but he just needed to be fed.


Bigger than this body,

stronger than these bones


echos as the bones snap.


My ears ring with bawdy

words of meancing tones.


as he finishes his tap



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Sexual abuseRaperape culturerhyme

Perfectly Perfect


Till I woke up 

then you spoke up

screamingng in my head.


Losing that weight again

with words of encouragement

ignoring the ills of my mind

pushing me back to when "You looked so much better".


Look inside.



Ugly words.


Oh no sorry.

You don't want to know

you just want to see






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anorexiafree verseperfectionmental healthmental illness

The Aftermath

Building brick walls

to climb

and pretend to fall

cutting short a lifetime


Bricks I haul

covered in grime

pushing back the urge to bawl

at the memories of war crimes.


I smile at passerbys

and give an enuthastic wave

pretending to not be shattered by

the man who dug my grave.


I'd rather see

the expected conclave

between myself and the galaxy


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rhyme poetrydepressionPainSexual abuseeating disorderseating disorder

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