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Through my forever chaotic and turbulent life

Everyday on this earth  I've had to face never ending turmoil and strife 
To maintain positivity my god I have to fight
Bullied and beaten at school for being blind and wonky eyed
Then Manipulated in my teens by elders who I was blind to not see were not on my side
Continously searching to find someone to accept my heart and mind
Even as an adu...

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Life's spirals

Spirals of life is a lesson 

rejection is protection 

jealousy is reflection' 

Addiction is suppression.

Depression is submission 

Society is an illusion 

To keep you in confusion 

Be ware of the ones who treat you as possession 

Forgive them for what they do 

For they lack own recognition 

Subconscious takes over from the past lack of attention 

Words have been we...

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The day benmy got binned

the day that ben got binned 
it was to everyone the funniest thing 
he asked his friend
 for a hand to lend 
his friend refused .
Ben got confused 
he winged nd moaned
bitched nd groaned
dragging nd cursing the bin to it's home

he lift the wheely bin lid
his fingers had slipped 
he dropped the wee bin nd panicked a bit
ben had to think quick ..
so he dove in the shit 
and rescued t...

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Crashed generation

Welcome to the crashed generation. 
Where possession can be converted into appitance at the cash generator. 
We gather in swarms instead of revolution we
Try to make a pound for their old play station. But This is what it's like in the benefit system .  Possessions have to be sold.  In order for survival 
Or steal for your family and go to prison 
We're products of our environment it isn't ou...

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adverts are the manipulative words.
that turns the fresh minds into lifeless turds.
they don't care about you despite what you've heard 
they are all just actors with the subtle controlling method  to make you splurge.
they just  want your money every penny you've earned. 

 these catchy rhymes to make you think day and and night. 
they make you think you can't live without it. without this...

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