The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 38 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.


It came from out 
Of somewhere...
A place deep within
You, never let you 
Settle in with the thought
Of us being close friends
Every laugh, every tear,
Every wrinkled brow, every smile
Never fully developed, always stopped Before it matured 
Because you never felt
The authenticity of any of it
How can I realistically
Have a rapport with you
This affinity is bogus
What bond?...

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You are made up of the 
Thread that He chose to
Together you are an
Accumulation of uniquely
Chosen web like frays
That when masterfully
Crafted thrusted you into
Each piece holds on it
A core element, a necessary
Unit of personality, character, ingenuity,
Creativity, passion, desire, sympathy,
Empathy, love, kindness, humor,
And the list goes on and on.
Too many to co...

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Young Folk

They March to the beat
Of a drum we
Can't play.
They hear music in
Their souls,
The chords yet
To be struck.
They have written lyrics
On their pads, on their
Tablets, on the walls
That would move 
The wonders of this 
And yet we want them
To conform,
To Acquiesce,
To step in our
We want to tow them
Down the paths
Positioned for us!
We want them
To love like ...

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