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We laughed

We cried

We danced

We ride

Those days and nights will last a lifetime

Those memories will lift and carry my soul

Even though I miss them so

Time and love is precious thing...Too precious to waste

I’ll stop surviving and start living

All for you, so I can walk on this earth; As you fly above in heaven

One day you’ll walk again

Until then I’ll lay and wait


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The Saviour

I feel you touch my shoulder

I turn around and no one is there

I feel a kiss on my cheek of coldness

My hair stands on end along my arms

A single tear trickles down my face

Memories play in my mind of the laughter we shared

I bend at the knees and fall to the ground

My hands press on my face

The guilt washes over me

I could’ve saved you all

I know I could’ve...I know ...

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Craving for Love

Love is what we crave and live for

Then why does it always end in tragedy?

Is it us, as humans?

I say yes

- CW

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Take a break from this heartache

It’s weighing to heavy on your soul

They say always be gentle with yourself

But how can you, when the world is so harsh, narcissistic, and cruel?

That’s the big question

I want to LIVE, not SURVIVE

Otherwise this is all pointless and endless

I pray my guardian angels give me wings

To climb out of this well and fly

To live again

- CW

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The Journey

I’ll fight and live for you all, that I promise

To take you all on a journey of love, respect, and loyalty

- CW


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The Spirits

The stars twinkle so

The skies open up to your descendant

The moon shines and bask us in it’s light

The spirits wonder

Filled with longing and wonderment with past discretion

Their trapped, just like us in the living world

Trapped on a parallel plain

To haunt the living and remind us to keep breathing

I say thank you for the presence

To remind us how precious and tragic ...

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I stand on the edge

Afraid to leap

Do I stay?

Or do I go?

Do I take the chance at love, again?

They always say it comes when you at least expect it

So what am I waiting for?

For someone to be in love with the past me or the current me?

Or how about the future me?

Time’s a ticking; I must be wise

Love is fragile

Love isn’t forever

Love is a gift in the present an...

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Life and Death

Life is a journey with a set destination

Death and loss

- CW

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The Matrix

Red pill

Blue pill

There’s always a third option...The purple pill.

- CW

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Tonight I will dream

Dream of a future that could never be

Dream of a life that could never be

Dream of a death that is graceful, not tragic

Dream of an afterlife where I see you all again

I hope and pray I see you again, and that it lasts forever

- CW

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Fields of Stars

Come and dance among the grass, 

Up to the church for morning mass. 

Can we stay young forever? 

We can wish luck to this endeavour. 


Let’s hope and wish under the stars 

I’m sure it’ll take us far 

Go back to the ease and simple 

And marry the man named Gimpel 


I’ll keep you warm by the fire 

Hopeful we’ll stay inspired 

By the starry midsummer night 


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King Leonidas

Haven’t you ever looked at the stars 
and wonder if this really for the better? 

To go through life always worrying, 
Always questioning the gods. 

If everything was all for him, 

My life really wasn’t mine…was it? 
Why did I battle for heaven if 

My fate was already embedded in the stone. 
Held by those witches, cut by their hands. 

Why would he care if I died? 
Ending in the ...

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The Journey

Life is journey with a set destination

Death and loss


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The Road


I stand

I fall

I stand

I fall

I grow and grow

I stop

I wonder, who is it for?

I fight

I cry

Now what?

I live as the last one standing...

I die


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Last One Standing

The loneliness is cold

My shoulders carry your souls

Your love wraps around me

Giving me chills, and goosebumps

I stand strong and dust off my knees

My mind and heart are still

Thank you for your embrace and love


Your wings grow with each day

I love you all and I count the days

‘Til I can see you all again

One love, forever and always.


- CW

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