Un soneto para tí
El radiante sol que alumbra mi día
Tú con tus ojos de dulce oscuridad
Con una alma de dulce sensualidad
Y calentaste mi persona fría
Y con una suavidad me caía
Y me paso por pura casualidad
Tú con tu gentil caballerosidad
No sabía el veneno que bebía
Deseo de aún roto corazón
Más veneno por esta alma corrupta
Salvavida para mi mente oscura
Futuro dol...
Tuesday 21st May 2019 9:39 pm
I Promise...Farewell
"I promise I will never leave you."
"You are the only one I care about."
"I promise I will always love you."
"Losing you would be devastating."
"I promise I will love you forever."
You made many promises to me
Yet you broke all of them.
You promised me the world
Yet you made it collapse on me.
You never understood -
You were my world the entire time,
Thursday 8th November 2018 5:34 pm
Sparing You
I remember the times
I was afraid of the light
The darkness was comfortable
The light was an adventure
You helped pull me out of the dark
You showed me the warmth of the light
And your light grew brighter
Brighter to the point
It pushed my darkness away
And although it rained around me
You made sure there was a light
So a rainbow could appear
Among the...
Tuesday 14th August 2018 1:25 am
The Gown
Mysteries lay hidden
Underneath the ruffles
Of her afternoon dress.
Blues and greens
Merge together
To create her gown.
It starts with the
Soft tones of blues and greens.
The longer the gown,
The darker the tone becomes.
A gown of blues and greens
With white lace
And silver linings.
They wish to tame her,
But she is an untameable force.
...Thursday 3rd May 2018 4:41 pm
Coloured Change
Every living thing stops at that moment.
The moment that golden orb
Slowly slinks down
Beyond the horizon.
The moment the sky changes,
Azure to gold, gold to flame.
The moment the clouds gain life,
From heavenly white to gold,
Gold to amethyst, amethyst to rose quartz.
It is the time that determines
Whether you will sleep in comfort,
Waiting for a new day.
Thursday 3rd May 2018 4:29 pm
The War
Darkness is a force we fear.
It hides in the most obvious of places,
Yet it hides in places we can't reach.
Light is a force we cherish.
It is everywhere you look,
Yet it easily hides from our eyes.
It is a never ending battle.
Sometimes the light wins,
Sometimes the darkness wins.
But remember,
There is always a shinning light within the darkness
Wednesday 2nd May 2018 4:42 pm
I'm Sorry
It must be so confusing to you.
One second I'm there,
The next I'm not.
One second I'm happy,
The next I'm insufferable
And I'm sorry.
I try so hard to step into the light
And stand there by your side,
But the darkness always whispers
And I allow myself to be pulled back into it.
I'm scared.
The darkness tells me the cruel truth
And the light tells me ...
Friday 26th January 2018 9:07 pm
Your Warmth
It is always so cold here.
Not a single source of light.
I'm not even sure if I am alive.
How long have I been here?
When was the last time I've felt warmth?
All of a sudden,
There is a small light.
I see you smile at me
And I faintly feel the cold slip away.
I am tempted to join you,
But I am so used to the darkness,
The place that I call home.
Friday 26th January 2018 9:01 pm
Lighter with You
I used to be a beast.
A beast no one approached,
A beast everyone feared,
A beast everyone hated.
Then you came along.
One with pure intentions,
One with an open-mind.
You approached me with a smile,
You charmed me with a laugh,
You convinced me to step out of the shadows.
I took one step out
And was instantly embraced by your warmth.
It's so muc...
Friday 26th January 2018 8:55 pm
A Single Wish
There are many things I wish for.
I wish to fly free like a bird.
I wish I could come and go like a cat.
I wish I could be wild like a horse.
I wish I could be prideful like a lion.
But for some reason,
What I wish for the most,
Is for you to be by my side.
I wish I could see you without being judged.
I wish I could joke around with you as though we were friends.
...Thursday 9th November 2017 6:03 am
Two Sides to a Coin
I'm not a puppet.
I'm not immobile.
I don't have strings.
I'm not a puppet
You can just control.
I am titanium.
I am indestructable.
Nothing can hurt me.
No one can break me down.
But in reality,
I am a diamond.
I may appear strong
But I can easily shatter
when dropped.
I am the ocean.
I am calm.
I have my uncontrollable days.
I am ...
Tuesday 7th November 2017 7:13 pm
Ignorance is Bliss
It seems there is a giant rift between us.
Of course it's all my fault.
I'm sorry if I was a nuisance.
I didn't mean to be a dolt.
I allowed ignorance to guide me
As well as idiocy to aid me.
I meant to get close
But instead pushed myself farther away.
I know it's not mutual,
And though it pains me so,
At least you are happy
And that's all I need to know.
Tuesday 7th November 2017 7:06 pm
Hope Still Lies There
Although you are silent,
Your presence intrigues me.
Although I shouldn't,
I keep thinking of you.
Although you ignore me,
I stay attached.
Moments like these
I wish I was detached.
Reality, oh, cruel fate.
You show me truth, always.
Yet like a fool,
I stay in Hope's warm embrace
And allow Imagination spirit me away.
Thursday 2nd November 2017 5:52 am
Death's Game
Death is everywhere.
You can’t get rid of it.
It is silent.
It will take those you love
Away from you.
To Death,
There is no difference
Between good or evil.
It hangs in the air
Like an early morning fog.
Once it takes a victim,
It will hunt for a new one.
It takes a hold of you
With its icy grip.
It will suck the life
Out of your body.
...Thursday 2nd November 2017 5:46 am
Peace and War
Peace is like a dove.
It is a sign of hope,
A sign for a new day.
War is like a snake.
It will slither into our hearts.
It will promise things that are not possible.
Peace is a unicorn.
It is an elusive being.
War is a slap to the face,
A reality become by humanity’s greed.
The government lies.
They say war brings peace.
It is a never ...
Thursday 2nd November 2017 5:45 am
The Dark Side
Some say I am kind.
Some even say I am an angel.
They have yet to meet my dark side.
People think I am a warm-hearted person,
But I can take a one-eighty turn.
My heart is so cold
It could freeze the ocean and bring back the Ice Age.
People say I am a peacemaker,
But piss me off,
Prepare yourself for war,
Because World War 2 will pale in comparison
...Thursday 2nd November 2017 5:44 am
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