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Charity Kosta

With every step and breath she takes,

They are always there to tear her down,

And so, with ever step and breath, her heart breaks.

Never will they stop themselves from making her drown.

With every passing day,

With more and more demands

They slowly carve a piece of her strength away.

Never will they stay their hands,

For she is nothing more than a t...

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Special Day

Special Day

Charity Kosta

Is there something wrong with me?

Am I being selfish and conceited

When all I can see is myself being defeated,

In a stupid competition of who is loved more?

When on my special day, getting notice was a chore,

Where all I got from loved ones was a happy birthday.

Yet, here comes my sister, and she is given a display

From everyone expressing thei...

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Deep inside where no one could see,

She was silently screaming someone help me.

But with a smile on her face

She only shows her outside grace.

To the people on the outside,

She is the one who never cried.

With nowhere else to turn

And no one showing concern,

She tries escaping the only way she can,

Thinking maybe it’s time for a different plan.

The emotional pain was ...

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When she said she was tired,

No one understood that she felt her time had expired.

She was tired of feeling worthless,

And had been for far too long religiously faithless.

She was tired of being taken advantage,

No longer could she manage.

She was tired of trying to reach out,

Then being told she had no reason pout.

She was tired of feeling as though she wasn’t good enough,


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Stand Strong

Sitting alone in her bedroom,

She thinks about things of gloom,

Remembering those who chose to abuse.

Although these didn’t show as a bruise,

They were there all the same.

Emotional pain brought her shame

When she thought of her good days.

Nevertheless, they weren’t enough erase.


Sitting alone in her bedroom,

She put on her daily costume.

Not the one seen during ...

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