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Words, Clear. Not blurred

Sometimes I write, needing to have respite,

In the light which illuminates in the night,

The paper to pencil, the computer in which I type,

Music in the background, I have found puts me back in a rhythmic bound,

Hearing I feel they become clear, the words in the clear water pools which are sometimes just meres,

Or are mirrors, constintly repeating words proceeding,

I love writing...

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Death within Life

I see a skeleton being from a tree, I think deep, internally.

Life quick and slick passes by with a drift.

Time so sly you get older and die.

Though this is not what i think for in our life we are this fruitful tree, knowledge we learn, knowledge we seek.

Allocating to contemplating our fruits to be our next generation, knowledge within the help of soil opens into wondrous coils, a ...

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Lost in Preperation, Not Knowing the Destination

I write in a way which I see is best sought; a poem I bring and have brought to you now.

A story loud! profound! and definitely not on the ground.  

A long river, a thousand islands, a lost boy scout group, and a bunch of alligators.

I was age 14 like the crew carrying a light, black cheap android phone that has been in the washer twice, and reflective blanket.

A boy scout is prepare...

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