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Harvest Memories

Glorious was that day:

Star rich the summer sky

Amongst the sun warm hay

We stole a sack on which to lie


Warm was that night:

Grass framed the starry gems

Below the hov'ring kite

We kissed amongst the tall grass stems


Heavenly was that tryst:

Grass rough the bed we made

Below a dusky mist

We took our love as grasses swayed


Fierce was that lust:


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harvesthayhay fieldsgrasslovepassionsummer


Because I can no longer kiss you

no longer feel your skin

beneath my fingers

or hear you in the night

Because I can no longer call you

no longer sound your name

beneath my breath

or hear you whisper soft

Because I could not stop time passing

could not return time's sand

beneath its glass

or heal the wounds of time

Because I could not hold you here

could yet y...

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My Lady of the Beeches

To wake lit by that lunar light

Toiling from the depth of dreams

Misty minded from the night

So the distant land below the window seems


To see beyond the shaded hedge

Hear again the whisper soft

As bedewed we walked, that ghostly pledge

Those lovely echoes of a distant past yet waft


To sense again her presence there

Knowing how we walked at ease


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The Summer of Love

Wandering through the sunlit trees

on grassy bluebell banks, brackened

by the unfurling of softly sensual shoots;

strolling in the tide turn rippling sea

as toes sift soft sea sand, silted

and lost to the advancing wave weft;

striding across bare barren felltop

on sheep shorn Spring sprung sod, surrounded 

by haze horizoned hills and hills and hills;

standing by the quie...

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O, where roams your delicate soul

Does it yet travel the seas

                gliding afar with the Arctic tern

                or is its delight in quieter waters

                in dappled river pools or streams

Is it content to rest in the cool damp shade of the willow

watching minnows play

                diving among the nymphs

                and sacred lotus



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Alcedo atthisAtthiscalmdesireHalcyonHylasKingfisherlosslovepassion

Parallel Echoes of Love

In the long small hours of dark                 Through the later time of darkness

I pause and gaze out at the stars              As we lay entwined beneath the moon


Somehow the frosted ground                    The nightly scene now sacred

Sharpens the air and the starlight             Welcomes the soft moonglow


Which lights my very soul:                        Entering both...

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And then


            at my source

I was lost to your ocean.


Flowing... your endless bounty stole my direction

            your depths embraced

            your corals welcomed my load

I drowned in your currents.


My hands caressed

your waves

My body plumbed

your deepest sounds

Your pools



Your tides were constant

            I sw...

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Restless: my body is your ocean; my limbs the currents of the sea

You float on my waves - sink only a little

I hold your sacred vessel safe - we become one:

A perfect balance of forces

Your body runs its course through my being

I feel you cleave my waves

I know you as we sink

Black waters closing

And I know you as we rise

I hold you to float above the tide as we burst th...

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Ah! I loved you!


Lost to your soul,

            I bared my heart


Within your mind

            I held my heart...


            as if all hearts sang with mine

                        as if all lips knew


I felt your blood pulse

            and heat my soul

            as your hair scourged my body


                        (Ah! I loved your hair!)


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loveobsessionpassionworshipdesirelove poemromancebody



A word of the heart

Born deep in the being,

            resonant with the land's love  



A word for the soul

Harmonic with soft timbre,

            warmed on heart's ember



A word from the deep

Breathed only in love -

            impossible to deny



A word never of the brain

Soft spoke; heart's heat


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There is no meaning

            and no sense,

            only clarity


I loved you and my heart began -

            past years unknown

            past pulse forgot


            Love created  

            our heart defined

            our lips sang

            our hands mapped



I loved you with my eyes          ...

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