I thought it had been a year or so since I was last on here - was astonished to find it was more like two! Apologies for my absence - life got in the way, been on a bit of a journey, you know. I hope you are all well :)
Hartshead Moor
This motorway, my eastwards trail to freedom,
To Tyneside, York, or sunny seaside fun,
In accents broad as acres, voices calling,
And when ...
Friday 26th March 2021 11:45 am
Extra Time
Extra Time
It was seventeen years
since I played my last match...
I played again that day.
I was the youngest of the old boys -
55 now and no hemiplaegia
or balance problems for me,
No frontal lobe trauma or bits of fits
or seizures -
I've been lucky.
I bossed the midfield.
Against blokes ten or more years older
I suddenly felt bolder
and was amused at shouts of
"Mark the Young M...
Wednesday 12th June 2019 1:58 pm
This poem is from the brand-new seaside-themed collection written by me and Eve Nortley, "Driftwords".
The heat out here is palpable,
A presence that can curse or caress,
Its touch is physical.
By afternoon I await the dark,
Distant but it will still come.
The sky turns hazy,
"Forest fires" say locals.
Algarve ash falls like dark snow and sorrow
...Sunday 9th June 2019 8:29 pm
Our Chains Are Invisible But No Less Real
Our Chains Are Invisible But No Less Real
It's 1978 and I'm 19.
I wear no iron collar
and am not beaten or harmed
to get me to rise from rest,
Instead there's a wind-up,
stand-up travel alarm.
It's just as effective.
I'm compelled
by want of money,
Sense of duty,
examples of others,
By my own self-perpetuating
My own clothes
are removed
on the factory floor,
Monday 14th January 2019 12:50 pm
I am the grounded coal
in your hansel.
I shine hard and black
as the shadows of my heart.
Buried deep
and deadly dark.
I pulse with energy's
potential flame.
Touch me
and you'll be marked;
Strike the perfect match
and the heat will start.
A twist of salt,
sorrow's symbolic seasoning,
The taste of tears
to bring their own reasoning.
I bring flavour
and can clean you
Wednesday 9th January 2019 9:54 pm
Celtic Warrior Princess
Celtic Warrior Princess
In our tribe
there is nothing
or nobody
Ordinary or mundane.
Superhero siblings,
parents of perennial power,
Children whose lives
bring endless charm.
All move planets
and plan and pray
To keep each other
safe from harm.
Heroic battles still take place
though some don't see
your pain,
But you are the
Celtic Warrio...
Monday 7th January 2019 2:55 pm
The Long Notes
The Long Notes
I did two long numbers tonight,
Unusual for me,
uncharacteristic you say,
well, quite.
Went well but as ever
I wanted more,
You know the score,
For expression, fame
and adulation,
We're sometimes
just tuppenny whores.
Yet still content
to be with like-minded souls,
Beatniks, blues and jazzmen
breathing the same rarified air...
Sunday 30th December 2018 11:00 pm
They dared
to step out together
in public again
that Saturday night.
For once
not behind closed doors,
They wanted more
and with a touch of class
Their private lives
were set behind smoked glass
in a public foyer bar.
Wondered if they'd been seen
by anyone who knew them...
They hadn't driven far.
Driven to distraction,
their ma...
Thursday 6th December 2018 1:44 pm
Many of us are our own worst critics. I dedicate this piece to all of you, in the hope you will stop hurting.
I would give you
an injection of confidence,
Donate part of my brain
to give you some sense
of your worth -
Queue up at the local hall,
let them shove in a tube
and syphon a pint
to give you heart,
A whole bloomin' armful
to keep you from harm.
And, aft...
Sunday 2nd December 2018 9:34 pm
Torn from the trappings
and traps of modern life
and my urban routine,
Eschewing the shower
and the compulsion to be
clockwise and clean.
I sit submerged midst
a joyous explosion of leaves
and insects
and sunshine
and fabulous, filigreed filth
and flowers,
And register silent sounds,
unplug my phone
and recharge my simpler powers.
Earthy smells,
vibrant in their rich...
Saturday 24th November 2018 10:42 am
Driving on the road
we see them every day.
In their hundreds,
We look at them,
they look at us,
And we pass along the way.
"Poor creatures",
we think,
and pity their narrow existence,
Lives determined
by their masters' restrictions,
Regimented, corralled,
branded and ruled,
Bound by invisible chains
though they think
they're free-rang...
Thursday 22nd November 2018 3:55 pm
Bury - Ghosts Walking
The ghosts are walking
by the Turkish olive trees,
Down sandstone streets
where the sinking sun
lights the last post
and a roll-up
For this town's setting sons
and daughters,
A century after its most grievous
Gallipoli slaughter.
In tee shirts and tattoos
the still-moving women and men
parade from pub to pub,
Heedless of fate,
they carouse and karaoke...
Saturday 10th November 2018 10:35 am
Stealing The Sea
The air force came again today,
three big twin-prop flying boats,
A monstrous mosquito squadron
roaring low and slow
to settle on the sea.
I hear the clang of church bells
as the planes
advance their mission,
And we in the village
wish them Godspeed
to the burning mountain.
I dream of every summer past
and think of newer shores,
Where we can stroll
...Friday 9th November 2018 5:13 pm
Drops of pure sunlight
pouring in their
patterned thousands.
A bright, beaded curtain
flowing gently down,
A golden gift,
Honeydew, river-bound,
I sit spell-grounded
as autumncalm
drifts slowly by.
Trees huddle,
removing clothing red and gold,
Sturdy trunks,
worthy in their girth,
Newly naked
to the clear blue sky.
Saving thei...
Tuesday 6th November 2018 5:02 pm
Emeralds, Cannock Chase
Emeralds, Cannock Chase
We set sail
on an earthbound,
Emerald sea.
Locked to the land
we voyage hand-in-hand,
Where dreams we chase
are deer that race,
Limitless and free.
Wednesday 11th July 2018 12:59 pm
Beach Boy
Beach Boy
South Shields afforded me no defence,
I was open as a Santa Monica sunrise.
The sand, sunshine on the waves
just a bus ride away,
we went week after week
after Endless Summer day.
In the 1960s
the West Coast had the sunshine,
but the dream, surfing
across the ocean,
came all the way East
and remains in my heart today,
music a constant, driving feast
with big blue skies ...
Tuesday 19th June 2018 1:25 pm
Little Love
Little Love (an affair of the cart...)
I used to shop at Tesco,
well, why swim against the tide?
A Sedgley boy like me, you know,
it felt so good inside,
But I soon changed my ways
when their strategy I spied,
The way they squeeze competitors,
my retail romance died.
I had a fling with Aldi,
the quality is good,
I like the neat, teutonic way
they sell ...
Sunday 10th June 2018 3:17 pm
Something Good
Something Good
I hear you...
Your coruscating, beautiful
Catholic car-crash,
crash-course dance
In camp melodic drama
and wide-eyed trance,
"How I move,
How you move me..."
Hammer horror
met groomed Truffaut
and in your glam-rag trousseau
My bride
wore scorpion-black,
Spinning in the then and now
A moment caught us
too raw to look back.
Friday 1st June 2018 9:55 am
I would wake up every morning,
reasons hidden in my rhymes,
Searching for a new horizon,
travel always on my mind,
Always looking for my station,
mindful of departure times,
Till I found my destination
just along a different line.
I will meet you on the platform
even if your train runs late,
On this journey of a lifetime
what's another hour'...
Wednesday 30th May 2018 6:36 am
Harbour Lights
Harbour Lights
Considering options in a bar...
Half past eight is thought early here,
but I have been around since 1959,
And the clock's always ticking
when you know time.
I'm on my own
just a little forlorn
and soon I'll move on
to the place we were last night,
when hearts and mouths were warm.
I'm on an upward spiral,
Sliding on marble
and Art Nou...
Tuesday 15th May 2018 12:40 pm
Beast Feasts
Beast Feasts
I found my thrill
on Beastmarket Hill
In a Midlands pub
where they do good grub,
Your Small English
was plenty for me,
Cheap at the price,
with unlimited tea.
The night before
was a lot of fun,
Spicy salami
and a split white bun,
Vitamin C
from your apricot,
Ripe and ready
and juicy and hot.
Morning came,
we went on ...
Saturday 12th May 2018 2:23 pm
Hebburn is a place on earth,
a sit-com
in my place of birth,
Where once I roamed
the building sites
to plunder wood
for bonfire night,
The wind blew cold
but we felt cool,
When ships were launched
they closed the schools.
With winters sharp
but memories sweet,
Like Franchi's fish shop
down the street,
The river roared
and factori...
Monday 7th May 2018 3:18 pm
To some it's just a bed,
Somewhere to sleep in oblivion,
suspended animation,
when to the world we're dead.
But sometimes
it's something else
instead -
A magic carpet to take us on a ride,
through epics and adventures
we may learn what's hidden
A bed to some may be a task,
a domestic chore,
Something we make
and no questions aske...
Monday 30th April 2018 2:23 pm
A River, Kent
A River, Kent
Between the vales of Lune and Kent
with gentle climbs and sweet descents,
Our gifted time was heaven-sent
and not a day too soon.
All life an undiscovered beach,
forbidden fruit, once out of reach,
Unkent - then kent, new truths to teach
about the hidden moon.
Wednesday 25th April 2018 9:05 am
Not just
a feeling inside,
A figure to deride,
Rumours and gossip
to make you run and hide,
Not just some silly King Cnut
trying to hold back the tide,
No part-time little bit of
cake on the side...
You're my
Friday 20th April 2018 6:40 pm
An old standard from many a rally, a journey to my political roots in praise of civil disobedience...the late, great comrade Betty Tebbs once told me this was her favourite poem.
You can keep your Magna Carta -
give me Peasants' Revolt!
From the Peoples' Charter
to the fight for women's votes,
From the Dorset martyrs
in the days of old -
Things get bette...
Friday 20th April 2018 7:39 am
Caravan Planet
Caravan Planet
It was hot in Essex in 1965.
I was six.
We scrambled to shade,
in wooded glades we played,
Fleeing from intense sunshine
and other phenomena
curious to Geordie sensibilities;
Squadrons of kamikaze wasps,
Immune to our anti air-raid newspapers,
if the fly spray ran out
we lacquered them
with Bellair.
Massive black slugs
like ...
Thursday 12th April 2018 6:23 pm
It Can't Be Bedtime Yet
It Can't Be Bedtime Yet
It can't be bedtime yet
I haven't found
the perfect words
to tell the wondrous
truth I've learned.
It can't be bedtime yet
I haven't heard
the perfect song
to help the magic carry on
and bleed its love
from root to seed
To help us
satisfy and feed
And give us
what we truly need.
It can't b...
Monday 9th April 2018 12:05 am
Hidden Chains
To celebrate the 90th birthday of the great Dr Maya Angelou, here is my own humble tribute:
Hidden Chains
The gilded few breeze through the days,
Don’t fear the night or hardship’s ways,
Unthinkingly waste nature’s gifts
And proudly steal the stars.
But those held fast by hidden chains
Can’t lift their eyes above their pains,
Survival supersedes all dreams,
...Wednesday 4th April 2018 12:28 pm
This piece features in the forthcoming collection "Driftwords", which contains some poems by me and some by Eve Nortley.
Some say the sea is constant
but I can feel a change beneath the surface.
The tide is turning with heightened hope,
a sense of altered courses,
Different purpose.
I present you with a Whitby-bought silver necklace,
an anchor chain...
Tuesday 3rd April 2018 3:17 pm
Endcliffe Woods
Endcliffe Woods
Come stroll with me
in Endcliffe Woods,
A place for us
beyond the storm,
We'll warm our hearts,
wear muddy boots,
And tumble into
somewhere warm.
Please walk with me
for endless good
As I revisit
former haunts,
Let's laugh and smile
where nature's blood
Reveals a truth
that nothing daunts.
We'll treasure
every mo...
Saturday 31st March 2018 9:10 am
Our Time
Our Time
It's our time, time today.
When will it be time,
Is it the right time,
What time is love?
Our time will come,
and when it does
How will you know?
Believe me,
You'll just
We've been here before,
seems like a long time ago,
Was it only yesterday?
Maybe tomorrow
never knows.
Through the park
and memory lanes we ro...
Sunday 25th March 2018 11:08 am
Above The Town
Inspired by Marc Chagall's painting
Above The Town
Come fly with me
above our town,
Leave all the world
that holds us down,
Defy the gravity.
Escape lines, fences
and walls,
We'll climb
far above the roof,
Dance and play the fiddle
to the moonlit truth.
The shoddy imperial,
the shabby material
will say it's just
wanton depravity,
...Sunday 25th March 2018 9:06 am
the shortest piece from my "Sheffield collection", written last year...
The fountain has gone
from old Fargate,
The Hole In The Road
has gone too,
But I never felt finer
on Fargate
Than when
I walked down it with you.
The Casbah is
nothing but rubble,
But the gardens
may grant us some peace,
Turn our backs
to the rain and our tro...
Sunday 25th March 2018 8:45 am
I tried to be brave
but my smile wore thin
As the sad-faced doctor
called me in,
Averting her eyes
the doc spoke first,
"The news I have,
I'm afraid is the worst,
It's LIFE!" she said
as she shook her head,
"There isn't a cure
and you'll end up dead!
As for prognosis,
could be months or just days,
With this diagnosis
nobody can say,
Tuesday 20th March 2018 11:31 am
After glow
we lie in erupted
though not interrupted
rhythmically pulsing flow.
Entwined, entangled
root and branch angles,
Subtly sublime,
fragrantly salty-sweet
I taste the sound,
can hear the touch.
Fingertips, licking lips,
I am marked as yours...
I take you with me
whenever and wherever
I go.
In darkness I feel
your ligh...
Sunday 11th March 2018 1:21 pm
The Bride Wore Blue
The Bride Wore Blue
The bride wore blue
to match her tattoos
and the groom was a staggering wreck,
With his broken nose
and his wilted rose
and the love-bites all over his neck.
The hall was bare,
just tables and chairs,
and the snow blew in under the door,
We were there six hours
and the beer was sour
and the cake ended up on the floor.
The sp...
Sunday 4th March 2018 7:45 am
Surprised is what we are.
Ever fallen, luckily
Caught but still in
Raptures as spirits soar
Ever higher
To the skies?
Life's treat for now hidden, unexpected,
Or unbidden,
Veritable feasts. Don't question -
Emerge! Exist! Enjoy!
Thursday 1st March 2018 11:11 pm
A Manc's A Man (Fer All That)
A Manc’s A Man Fer All That
Around ar way by night or day
down cobbled crofts an all that,
On chavenues or scallyways
we dare to roam fer all that,
You’re ten men an big chat,
but you know nowt fer all that,
So close yer mouth an use yer ead,
a Manc’s a man fer all that.
We like ar chips not fancy dips
or posh cuisine an all that,
We eat ar scran fro...
Monday 26th February 2018 6:07 pm
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