The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 38 days, 15 hours. Get details and Enter.

For When I Was Lost

For when I was lost

I gazed into you 


Like the flame of a single candle

You lit up the darkness


Kept the beauty of light alive

But as I gazed too long

Your glow began to melt


And then the light went

Not in you, but me


Your soul within mine

The touch not of a burn 

The glint not of a flame


But the sleek of a mirror 

I can see in this d...

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Come on Home

You’ll never know, how much 

I’m feeling 

You’ll never know, how much

I need you


So come on home again


Come on home again

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To have loved how we loved

To have loved how we loved

 Eyes locked, skin tender


To have loved how we loved 

Hands clasped, lips traced 


To have loved how we loved 

Sea of brown, sea of blue 


To have loved how we loved 

Bodies ignited, spirits calm


To have loved how we loved 

Unsung harmony, fragile peace 


To have loved how we loved 

Hidden darkness, returning comfort...

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Heal my wounds

I pull the black dagger

From my heart

The weight of my armour

Now a fluid mercury 

Not a poison to me 

A release 


I steep to one knee

Chest free

A pour of soft gold down your slender arm

Sheds the silver mercury away 

Fills the wound that I 

Cast upon myself 


Your fingers brush me

As though they are lillies in my garden of Eden 

Lustful inhale of...

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Ancient Hearts

We are ancient hearts

A beat so strong


We are the petals of love

A touch so gentle 


We are the faintest shadows 

A dance so deft


We are the flicker of candles

A flame so gentle


We are the trace of embers

A light so dim 


We are one

A fate so destined


We are absent

A presence so cold

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A tapestry of lives gone by

A tapestry of lives gone by

Rich threads from what we cry

Frays of the past evoking

Gaze of the future corrupting


My stream carries its fallen leaves

Its purpose only defined by what it receives

Broken mind and beaten guilt

A blackened soul only I have built


Tears like beads down a porcelain doll

She is there to no longer make me whole

As I possessed a poiso...

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Eyes of the storm

Cut me open, bleed me dry 

A knife not a tool, a liberator

There is the forgiving woman with sorrow

Deep in those eyes, to a place 

I am oh so unfamiliar with


There are places you know, you see

It is the dark holding our sparks 

A flock of deft touches and harmony

Yet the pulse of the thunder rolls over

Sparks scattered, hidden or gone 


You will never, never...

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addictionsalvationmental healthsuicideinner childlovers

Song of agony

I cry for all those overcome

The ones trapped, trapped 

Draining souls lost in heat 

Etching sins into the glass

Break free I beg of thee

Screams thunder the grey

All this storm, all this fear 

Release the hell you hold dear

Do not twirl and twist among it

Go take my hand - leap

Don’t fall to his name - rise

Your light of her and all her’s

Come to the promised k...

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In the sun you hear me cry

In the moon you see me stand


I rise to your call

I fall to your mercy 


My hands rest on your knees 

My head bowed in your heart 


Too much for me

Too much for sin

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Unrequited Love

Unrequited love is the destruction of the heart

It is walking across an endless desert occupied with faded mirages that show you beauty like never before

Constantly consumed by its wonder, constantly consumed by the despair for your love for it

She is the mirage, you are the lonley aching fool in an endless desert

You are the one slowly suffocating by the boundless intesity of what you...

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anguishbeautydespairheartbreaklovepainrealitystruggleunrequited love

From The Light Into The Dark

You stand before an empty horizon,

The silhouette of the trees running sharply across the bottom of the sky,

Eyes fixed on those soulless, black shapes in the distance.

Your gaze wonders up – slowly. The sky transforms before you

From the light into the dark.


The moon hangs – trapped in the dawn of engulfment,

The ground beneath you is dim – stretching to meet the light.


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darknessdespairhopelessthe horizonthe sunpessimismalonelonelinessanecdote

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