The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 14 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

Mountains of Facts

So very many of them,
far beyond, far far beyond,
way beyond
any one individual's ability, 
beyond the capacity of any person
to read, to absorb, to grasp,
to know,
to understand.
Too much, too much
by a mind-boggling margin
as billions of new facts
are created every day.
Fresh mountains are added, whole ranges,
and you and I can manage
to take on board just six or seven
or ...

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Metaphysical musing

Why is anything the way it is

Made like that and not like this?

Why are there eyes and lead and bees?

How unlikely are stars and trees?


Is the word real content-free?

I want to see, properly see, really see.

I can't see radio waves or infra-red

And can't keep that out of my head.


What is the DNA of the universe,

This crazy scheme that could be worse?

The dis...

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