God could have sent his Son
a million different ways.
But look at what he chose.
I'll tell you what it says.
It says open your hearts,
It says be generous and free,
Look outside your little box
That's what he's saying to you and me.
Mary was not respectable,
Pregnant before she was wed.
Open your hearts to unmarried mothers.
That's really ...
Sunday 19th December 2010 3:28 pm
unwanted wants
to get what one wants
and find one does not want it.
Life's Chinese whispers
Thursday 9th December 2010 7:37 pm
Shopping Ghazal
Singles evening at Tesco's, I see you
Far off, by the tomatoes, I see you
The shop is full of beautiful women.
You're better than all of those, I see you.
Elusive, I follow you through the store.
Persistent, for my heart knows, I see you.
I lose you, then find you by Medicines.
Buying anti-tapeworm dose, I see you.
I close in, as you ret...
Wednesday 8th December 2010 9:21 am
Daily Battle
Human beings aren't hominid cattle.
Each one has their daily battle.
This woman's blind, that man is deaf.
Each one has their daily battle.
He needs escape, she wants marriage.
They too have their daily battle.
A couple grieving for soldier son.
They hate the word, but have their battle.
He has a stammer, she hates her weight.
Please d...
Friday 3rd December 2010 9:53 am
Where are You?
You are your own worst enemy, they say.
I have cut through the thickets of your mind
toward the centre,
and in the thickest of thickets, wondered
where is it?
Is there a centre?
The journey into your mind
is dream sequences,
shifting dead-ends,
teasing landscapes –
Come out of the maze and play,
come out and say
who you ...
Thursday 2nd December 2010 5:15 pm
Shahla Jahed is dead
Shahla Jahed is dead.
An outrage.
A repulsive act of barbarism
by the religious
against those deemed
by the powerful
against the vulnerable
by secret police
against a citizen
by a violent system
against weakness
by men
against a woman
Wednesday 1st December 2010 8:27 am
Mum always says
“You're in the pink”.
She's alright, that's okay,
I don't mind.
My toothbrush is pink,
matches the plastic mug,
pink is fine,
I don't mind.
There's a pink stripe
in the good old peejays
in with white and blue.
Quite like that effect.
Got a pink shirt,
shows the dirt, but it's okay,
wore it on Saturday,
Sunday 21st November 2010 10:11 pm
Rebuilding the Tower of Babel?
Willing, worn-out worthies
working weekly, wearily
within wonderful wizardry.
Worriers, wordsmiths, wanderers,
worshipers, wounded, wild,
winners, whores, weirdos,
whisperers, whistleblowers, wrong-righters.
Whinings, warnings, warmings,
Wednesday 17th November 2010 10:01 am
Inner Space
A seventy kilo person
is seven billion trillion atoms.
That's all, so they say.
Or is it?
What is an atom?
An atom is a nucleus
surrounded by electrons.
The atom's nucleus is a speck,
one millionth of a billionth
of its volume.
Less than a flea in a cathedral,
or an ant in a stadium,
Atoms are nothing,
they are empty, empty, empty,
we are ...
Monday 15th November 2010 5:42 pm
The upsetting effect of my current poem ending up in bits all over the laundry
Saturday 13th November 2010 11:04 am
Black Dog
Don't hug the black dog
Don't feed it, don't stroke it,
It may be howling, prowling
outside, don't let it in.
Ignore it's mournful eyes
its sighs, the bark from the dark.
Ruthless, give it no roof.
Throw it out, starve it.
Set the other dogs on it.
Don't be dogged by the black dog.
Tuesday 2nd November 2010 11:43 pm
Halloween haiku
Of course the dead walk
They stroll through realms of splendour
Why bother with here?
Sunday 24th October 2010 11:59 am
Feral Youth (so called)
In the gutters and drains of our cities
In the dead ends of their parents' minds
In a twilight of angry resentment,
a world where only weakness is kind
are empty brains
with empty angry hearts
and empty hours
and lousy, crappy starts
In a fog of mind-altering substances,
and an absence of ethical notions,
are children with adult bodies,
starved, menacing infant emotio...
Thursday 21st October 2010 9:11 pm
Breathe in.
Breathe in while reading this,
you breathe in dust,
you must.
Dust is not just dust.
It can be choking breath,
the kiss of death.
But these motes are stuff of life.
Dead skin cells they say;
Well, they were beautiful when you wore them.
Now they are dots of silver splendour
swirling and twirling in sunbeams.
Tomorrow they join a tri...
Friday 15th October 2010 8:58 pm
Little green men (Freedom)
Come little green men,
you are needed
to fill our skies and eyes,
take lives and terrorise.
Come little green men,
make us fight you,
shoulder to shoulder with each other,
every human being a brother.
Come little green men,
make us forget
the million walls suspicion builds
the million graves our hate has filled.
Come little green...
Friday 8th October 2010 11:06 pm
Seven, lethal
The convolvulus wants it all
to have, to own, entwine, consume
nothing too large or small.
Condemned to famine, it chases banquets.
If possible it would devour
It will never be full.
The ivy, too, must have.
It wants endlessly,
bewitched by what it sees.
It whispers in the ear,
sucks emotion dry,
its tentacles contaminate.
It will n...
Thursday 7th October 2010 8:48 pm
Biting the Bullet - result
The waiting is over. The poem which received the most votes in the 'Biting the Bullet' competition was
'Biting the Bullet' by Alvin Guinessberg
2nd place Isobel (2) 'Bullet'
3rd place Andy N 'Biting the Bul...
Wednesday 6th October 2010 12:55 am
To make a pancake
Take egg, flour, milk and water.
Life, life, life and life
Monday 4th October 2010 1:50 pm
Biting the Bullet - time to vote
This is an invitation to vote in the 'Biting the Bullet' competition which ran here in September. Which poem would you place first from those listed below? The winner receives a £20 Waterstones voucher. I am not voting but will use a casting vote if there's a tie, so there will only be one winner. They can receive their prize by post, electronically or presentation at an open mic night of their...
Friday 1st October 2010 6:48 am
Hard to know (1) (2) (3)
From the plane
your home was a small white square.
From the plane
your pool was a tiny blue dot.
From the plane
there was something by the pool
that might have been you,
though through the tears
it was hard to know. (1)
Hard to know – like you. (2)
But worth the effort. (3)
Friday 24th September 2010 11:48 pm
Biting the Bullet Final Reminder
Hello all. This is a final reminder for the BITING THE BULLET competition. It closes next Thursday Sept 30th then voting by email will take place till the 5th October.
All is explained in the original blog, at
If you are new to the site, please do consider having a go. Lots of people have done so ...
Thursday 23rd September 2010 5:10 pm
Some women like to blame their men
and shame their men,
but above all,
tame their men.
Then they lame their men
so they cannot run,
have fun, an hour in the sun,
be young.
Some men hit their women,
treat them like a bit of shit,
smack the spirit
out of them,
bravely punch their tit
or stomach pit.
Terrorise the cheerful,
keep ...
Thursday 23rd September 2010 3:56 pm
Holiday (or – stop moaning ya daft bugger and get on wi' it)
Every day is not
Real, unreal,
more real, less real.
Mountain heights, wonderful sights
Making love with Mother Nature.
Enjoying her feast for eye and mind,
just today by a sparkling stream,
a chance to dream.
The sea is seen
The scene is seen,
the obscene is seen,
gaping in galleries,
musing in museums,
Wednesday 15th September 2010 12:16 pm
The Loft
His loft is tidy in places
in others, dark, dirty, disarranged.
There is treasure in the dust,
buried treasure, buried seeds,
longings, loves, lingering echoes
of lost life in the filtered light.
The hopes, the work,
craziness that didn’t work.
His grandfather’s radio
that will never work again.
He accuses himself of sentiment
and pleads guilty.
Wednesday 8th September 2010 8:20 pm
The Moment
The moment
when little person pops out
of wife's undercarriage
is so quick.
Nature is so slick,
the drop of a jaw,
no more
and it's done -
a life has begun.
It's too fast
The moment should last.
I want to hold the moment,
examine it this way and that,
feel it for all it incredibly is.
But rather than hold the moment
I hold ...
Tuesday 7th September 2010 12:40 pm
Biting the Bullet. Prize follow-up to Pandora
Many of us enjoyed the Pandora's Box competition that followed the demise of WOLOP which, again, was a source of fun and interest. A successor to Pandora's Box was mooted but nothing came of it. I think there may be some interest in trying again and to help things along am giving a modest prize for a new competition.
Wednesday 1st September 2010 7:46 am
Lovely chum
The hand ballet,
your bright mind dancing,
fingers singing,
fashioning passion
from thin air,
soul gestures,
laying hold of hope,
dismissing despair,
daring to delve, wisely
into the whys,
caressing the future,
sculpting life.
While I sit with
arms crossed
like a cripple
at a ceilidh.
Admiring, longing.
Saturday 28th August 2010 10:12 pm
The Running Father
Loathsome father,
the farther I am from you,
the better,
you strait-laced, life-denying,
mediocre old bore.
Get off my back.
Let me live.
With the money.
Mine when you die? Too long.
Mine now, old man.
The punchline is “goodbye”
though you wouldn't know a joke
if it slapped you in your sanctimonious face.
Wednesday 11th August 2010 10:43 am
Care home
I am your future self, the caged aged
look at me and know.
I am wrinkled, gaping, helpless
I am cared for
sitting, shitting,
fed, fed up, trapped, kept
I am cared for
Lifted and shifted
Rubbed and scrubbed
I am cared for
Please touch me
I am hungry hungry hungry for hugs
an embrace
to be clasped in the arms of love
but a ...
Thursday 5th August 2010 12:57 pm
A need
need a den,
I need a den,
now and then,
no that's not true,
again and again
to keep me sane.
I'm not a louse,
she's got the house.
I love her to bits,
but get on her tits.
It suits us both,
aids 'personal growth',
I've done the chores,
it's not sloth.
Is it defeat,
this need to retreat?
Is it focusing, or hiding,
...Monday 2nd August 2010 9:20 am
Science Fiction
Science fiction lies
that we can escape the cage.
Good films, though, great dreams
Sunday 18th July 2010 9:34 pm
There will come a time
when this mind
this brain rots
its thoughts wash out to sea
and that'll be me
or moved on
it's in doubt
the jury's out.
And is there, then, a trial?
Ah, the Judge.
No more shadows or pathetic self-justification,
ultimate mirror, showing what was right,
blinding light
on my life, this dubious convoy of ...
Thursday 15th July 2010 3:56 pm
ferment of feelings,
hunger for life,
kaleidoscope of possibilities,
energised weariness,
yearning to reach out and touch,
to spurn usual distractions,
to encounter
smell of leather
waft of sea
sound of Mozart
or 'I want to break free'
casting around
floating, waiting for wind
free of the ground
tried new ...
Monday 5th July 2010 5:01 pm
lazy drifting
shape shifting
rain gifting
spirits lifting
gulls wheeling
world ceiling
vast feeling
mind reeling
planets sailing
comets trailing
stars failing
chaos prevailing?
Beyond Space
order reigning
reality maintaining
never waning
always remaining
love training
Thursday 24th June 2010 7:24 pm
Ten into Five
A wonderful monk said "Live"
Ewan does nothing but give.
Gerard wanted rain for roots
Annie's working for green shoots.
Aidan, the enemy of apathy
Nelson, man of universal sympathy.
Jack's mind was wholesome clarity
Chris is Mister Joyful Integrity.
Frank's 'It's a Wonderful Life'
Living with my lovely wife.
The above is a response to Jackie Hagan's...
Sunday 6th June 2010 9:46 pm
In praise of Rights of Way officers
Bastions 'gainst barbed wire barbarity
because of you we know beauty.
Beautiful Britain,
lovely, deep and hidden,
bluebells, wells and dells.
You fight for our right
to say this or that way
is gorgeous, open and free.
You combat the fat
who say go away
it all belongs to me.
Enchanting Britain
A secret world of surprises for our...
Thursday 3rd June 2010 7:35 am
Pandora (late again)
Puff, pant, puff pant
Oh dear, I'm late for the competition.
Why am I always (puff) late? (pant)
I must hurry, they might (gasp) let me in (pant)
Nearly there. Come on Pandy you can do it.
Oh dear, now look what I've done,
spilled everything.
And grazed my elbow.
Has anyone got a plaster?
Wednesday 2nd June 2010 6:50 am
human being
He’s a dud fuddy
A fud fuddy dud
a dud duddy fud
a fuddy fuddy duddy
he is squaaaaaaaaaaare.
Shops at Netto, one man ghetto,
He is tragic, got no magic.
He's crutonic, so moronic,
socks with sandals, got no angles,
he's a nerd, he is nunty,
What a dag, he's so pikie
He's uncool, a proper goober,
He's a tangy, smelly zooker.
Wednesday 26th May 2010 9:51 pm
Is it okay to leave out the sky?
Is it alright to not ask why?
Houses are easy,
so's a garden or yard.
But the sky is a bugger,
it's too f***ing hard.
The sea makes me feel stupid
I can't tell waves apart.
The ocean's mostly a mystery.
A picture's no good, I want a chart.
People are simple in jigsaws,
unfortunately not in real life...
Monday 24th May 2010 10:46 am
Image is Substance
There is nothing magnificent or mysterious in this house
You need feel no awe, no hesitation.
Waitrose and daytime TV
have rotted our souls,
the world's pulse is not felt here.
But the chairs salute us,
frozen palace guards,
defenders 'gainst chaos.
Not even pot plants.
They are alive,
life is always blemished
and the blemished is banished.
Tuesday 18th May 2010 5:26 pm
To a friend
Your text was a touch,
tender and twinkling,
mellowing, unwrinkling
my furrowed heart,
your mind alighting on mine
as lacewing fly on leaf.
So lovely and light.
a petal wafting through the ether.
Your caring, a kiss.
Sunday 16th May 2010 8:24 pm
Slow down
Slow down.
Saunter, speed less.
Steady on, slacken off.
Snail pace, shuffle along,
Step by step
Stop striding.
Softly does it.
Space the action.
Stop sometimes, stay still.
Centre yourself.
Something is there to be sensed.
Someone is smiling.
Sunday 2nd May 2010 9:38 pm
Sometimes graceful
always life-enhancing,
often battered, bombed or broken -
Hard to build, easy to destroy,
Years in the growing, rubble
in the time it takes
for an eye to widen.
An unforseen weakness,
a thoughtless moment,
an attack, neglect,
or simply being asked to carry
too much weight.
Wilder knew it was futile
Monday 26th April 2010 9:23 am
Write Out Loud Outstanding Poem For March
Hello all. It's my privilege this month to announce the winner of March's WOLOP vote. Isobel will be back next month after her 'break'. Nominated poems were as follows
Scar – Chris Dawson
Mr. Piano – Marianne Daniels
The First to Depart – Ray Miller “painfully poignant and written with a gorgeous flow between great warmth and regret at the passing of the time”
Up the Tops – Rac...
Wednesday 7th April 2010 7:57 am
Family weekend
My poor little cup protests
its fourth dishwasher trip in two days.
Get it off your chest, small friend,
we are in this together,
this family weekend,
this vortex of demands,
this avalanche of requirements,
these days of the rumbling dishwasher
drowned out by shouting children.
This living photo-album,
blur of beloved faces,
this noise and love,
Monday 5th April 2010 8:38 am
No words can express
the grace into bronze caressed
by a master's hand
The photo is of a piece by Stephen Broadbent
Thursday 25th March 2010 2:14 pm
Forgot coat
May get cold
Forgot water bottle
Will get thirsty
Forgot map
May get lost
Forgot lunch
Will get hungry
Forgot wallet
May have to borrow
Forgot car radio front
Will have to listen to thoughts
Very dangerous
Wednesday 17th March 2010 3:02 pm
A bad night
How to sleep?
How to leave behind
the cluttered mind?
Bric a brac thoughts,
car boot memories.
Table sale of dreams and wishes,
whirl of used words
Autumn fayre of worries,
Attic sale of places,
Jumble sale of faces.
Jumble sale?
Perhaps not.
Who would buy in this flea market?
How, then, to sleep
when the mind is a Saturday mo...
Saturday 13th March 2010 12:26 am
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