The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 14 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

Edging forward



edging forward

coasting in neutral

some minds playing

over past events

others planning or praying

others listening, talking, phoning, moaning

some going low speed

enough to read

some plotting, some jotting


Sometimes the way clears

or a joke is cracked

there is movement, there is laughter

there is



It can be amusing or just


to watch...

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Huntington's Chorea

Nancy Wexler's courage was extraordinary

given that she too might have the mutation


she might

she might have it.

It is crushing to look at these exuberant children

she wrote

full of hope and expectation


full of hope

full of hope and expectation

despite poverty

despite illiteracy

despite dangerous and exhausting work for the boys

fishing in small boats in the turbulent lake


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So sensual

It's so sensual

and it's consensual

No danger of disease

or unwanted pregnancies

No performance anxiety

or need for sobriety


No chance of the clap

or a condom mishap

No emotional tangles

or love triangles

No problem with porn

or regrets in the morn


No need for Viagra

or fantasies of Niagara

No thinking how do I measure?

Just sheer, pure pleasure

If you use a piece of plastic...

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It's got softer

as I've got older

when I was young


it was hard

like card

soft was avant garde


Now the thingy

is more springy

on the skin gentle

more ornamental


In fact


The old toilet paper

was like a scraper

tough on my bum

made me glum

this new stuff

is like fluff

feels like a caress

That's progress


From the bottom of my heart

and the heart of my bo...

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rules have exceptions

though that includes the rule that

rules have exceptions

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Feed me, feed me now

Everyone is,


or less

that's the way it is

it's hidden but


naturally we pretend

and dissimulate, but

life exposes us and

love outflanks us, and

youth is no defence

How can we live seventy years without


nothing learned, no insight

gained as to how we are

relentlessly driven.

yet change is possible.

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Allah is on both sides of the Wall

El Shaddai is on both sides of both Walls

God is on all sides of all walls

Abraham Ibrahim you are brothers

Tel Aviv Ramallah you are sisters

The world is frightened.

You could be the spark

that starts the fire

that kills us all.

For the sake of your children, compromise

to love your neighbour, compromise

to obey your God, compromise

to save the...

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Obstreperous, cantankerous

Obnoxious, pugnacious,


Surprisingly gracious.

Tigerish, liverish

Arming, alarming

then disarming

and charming

No saint, never faint

Morale booster, crowing rooster,

Motivation of the nation,


Whisky-drinking, clear-thinking

Bricklaying, myth slaying

Always saying

Never give in

Never ever give in.

Rejected: heart-sore son of ...

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No pankies

We like each other

but our friendship

is a hanky-panky free zone

No hankies

and definitely no pankies

She's retaining her panties


We trust each other

and our friendship

is a lust-free zone

No lust

I'm not after her bust

We've got it sussed


My friend is great

And our friendship

Is a cherish-filled zone

She is lovely

But no more than cuddly

Making each other feel bubbly



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Why beach glass reminds me of Stan

Stan could cut you

he was blunt, he was sharp

wasn't blind

he was strong, things were clear

in his mind,

his mouth-line grim


as they say,

upon a time.


And once upon a time

an artery burst

and Stan was weak, and things grew dim

in his mind

almost blind

no longer blunt, no longer sharp

Brought down low

That's how it goes


But oh his wonderful smile, beaming

gentle warmt...

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Lost and found

He was quartering the field

up and down, down and up

gripping a metal detector

intent, determined, unwavering, bowed,

concentration etched into his face.

Watched by a woman leaning on the fence

impassive, silent

like him, in her fifties


They did not know I was watching


to see what they would find

to see why it was important

to know more about this mysterious coupl...

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Attention spans

Attention spans are shrinking
And so I'm thinking
Poems oughta
Be shorta

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Looking for more

Season-ticket holders, origami folders

Kite fliers, Ebay buyers,

Dog walkers, obsessive talkers

Gym haunters, clothes flaunters


Looking for more

All looking for more


Speed demons, speed dating dream-ons,

Romance websites, gloomy club lights

Deeds in darkness, deeds in light,

Deeds of shame, deeds of delight.


Multi-festival attenders, Facebook thousand-frienders,

Write Out Loud ...

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Nothing is beautiful

No space

No time

No thing

I will seek Nothing

Nothing is old speaks

            of origin

Nothing is original new, original



Nothing is beautiful

Emptiness exquisite, infinitely full

Exploding with colour, with

            nothing to see

Nothing to hear in Nothing, silence

            serene and supreme

            full of song and laughter


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Just be

Gazing from his window

at the neighbour's two children

filling the garden with bubbles

he is looking idly, listening

to their chatter and laughter

both loving what they are doing , both


while he is idle

off work

on the sick


passing time

the boy is busy with his bubbles

they fill the garden with proud, glistening gold


the girl blows few, and

watches t...

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The rains have not come

The rains have not come

I cannot feed my family


My wife is in the corner making necklaces

for the mzungu, the white woman

at Mzee Wangome's old place


The necklaces are made from magazines

They are nothing

Beads for women and children.

How can I pay them attention?

My meal is late


But she earns more than I can

even when the rains come

and the rains have not come


I am glad m...

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Thinking back

The neighbour’s children are having a party

            their garden rings with energy and song

                        the laughter rises

filling balloons


Haunted by a hint

            of a dream

memory of a time

            of harmony and spaces

a time of glimpsing the face

            behind the world

the face at the end of all searching

            a time of laughter and love


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only fond

I mustn't fall in love with you

but I can fall in fond

            or maybe fall in very fond

but must not fall

I may not fall

I really can not fall

I should not fall

            head over heels

            head in the clouds

            off my head

in love with you

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to pray

to change a fuse

to say you are my lord

to say you are my lady

to change channels

to be honoured, and

to give honour

to make love, new way

to exercise

to be married

to be executed

to live

to die

we may kneel


Beside the bed of a dying friend

or pleading, begging for mercy

we may kneel


To be vulnerable

To be blessed

we may kneel


To find what is lost,

To lose ou...

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