The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

Shopping Ghazal

Singles evening at Tesco's, I see you

Far off, by the tomatoes, I see you


The shop is full of beautiful women.

You're better than all of those, I see you.


Elusive, I follow you through the store.

Persistent, for my heart knows, I see you.


I lose you, then find you by Medicines.

Buying anti-tapeworm dose, I see you.


I close in, as you return to the Veg.

I rehearse a manly pose, I see you.


But no, you're chatting to that hunky man.

Standing by the potatoes, I see you.


Oh dear, he has a Porsche in the car park.

Dave, get real. Her face it goes, “I see you”.


Just a bit of fun - I'm not single and have never been to a supermarket singles session.


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Elaine Booth

Tue 4th Jan 2011 22:43

Liked this a lot. Great fun - "Her face it goes, 'I see you'"!

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Thu 9th Dec 2010 13:22

A tongue in cheek ghazal - I like it. You can almost imagine a Mr Bean type character dodging in and out of the aisles. I would have thought that the purchasing of anti-tape worm products would be enough to dampen anyone's ardour - but obviously not yours Dave! x

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Chris Co

Wed 8th Dec 2010 18:44

I generaly don't like Ghazal as a form. I usually find it mind bendingly repetitive, in a bad and boring way (unlike the villanelle).

Not here however; you always seem to do whimsey so well Dave and here is no exception.

The change of context for the last repetition gave the poem the killer line and punch required to make this work well.

Afforded a nice smile.

Well written.


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Laura Taylor

Wed 8th Dec 2010 12:00

'I rehearse a manly pose' :D

Great stuff Dave - blimey - I've been away for a couple of days and the place is now swimming with ghazals!!


Wed 8th Dec 2010 10:54

Great stuff - the comments below say it all really - who'd of thought Ghazals and Tescoes eh well done

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John Coopey

Wed 8th Dec 2010 09:55

When are these sessions?
I must have more success than "dancing" round a handbag.
You should get out more!

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Ann Foxglove

Wed 8th Dec 2010 09:51

Eggsellent! (Ann, by the squashy tomatoes counter!) Yes, we are all extremely beautiful in my local Costcutters - and we don't have tapeworms either! (Where-ever do you shop!) ;-)

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Greg Freeman

Wed 8th Dec 2010 09:38

Marvellous, Dave, top drawer. Tomatoes, anti-tapeworm dose, potatoes ... lovely stuff. But which branch of Tesco's is this? Full of beautiful women? I can't say the same of mine.

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winston plowes

Wed 8th Dec 2010 09:28

...and any resenblence to characters in real life is purely coincidental ! Nice one Dave.

Can you tag this as Ghazal please. Win

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